|46| Training Day 1

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Winter's P.O.V. (D7)

"Where should we go first?" I ask Levi. "Should we start with weapons or the survival stations?"

He shrugs. "I guess we should start with weapons. Find something we're comfortable with." I nod my head and smile at him. The only people I've been talking to are Levi and Ben, but Levi has been especially kind, acting as if we've known each other our whole lives.

The blizzard stopped late last night, so it's no longer dark and gloomy. When I woke up, the sun was shining and reflecting off the snow on the ground. I just wish we were able to go outside. I could really use the fresh air.

District 13 is the last district to arrive, but I notice that some of them look...rough. One of them is limping and another has a slightly purple face. What on earth happened to them?

Before any more questions can run wild through my mind, Atlas enters the room and welcomes us.

"In a few days, you will be going into the arena. Only twelve of you will make it out and advance to the Supreme Games. Make sure you use your training time wisely, you never know what kind of arena there will be. There will be no fighting with the other tributes."

One of the girls from District 10 groans.

"Don't ignore the survival stations," Atlas continues, "They will come in handy in the arena. You will have today and tomorrow to train. On the third day, you will have your private sessions. You may now begin."

I immediately know where I want to start.

"C'mon Levi!" I take his hand in mine and drag him to the archery station.

"Welcome, you two! You seem quite eager to get started!" The trainer at the station says.

"Um, actually, there's three." Ben pops out from behind Levi's back. I laugh and mutter an "oops."

"Oh, well the three of you. Let's get started!" He gives us each a bow and attaches an arrow to the string.

"Okay, so this is how to want to do it. When you pull back, you want to make sure you keep your elbow up. The arm you're using to hold the bow shouldn't be completely straight, or else the string will scrape against your skin when you release. So, keep it a little bit curved." I just nod, even though I know what to do already.

"Now before you release, you want the tip of your arrow to be pointing right at the spot you're aiming for. Closing one eye helps train your eye on the target if you're having trouble with your aim."

I take aim for the heart and release my arrow. It lands near the center. I tsk, not pleased since this is my primary weapon, but I guess I'll have to adapt to these more advanced Capitol bows.

"Nice shot, pumpkin!" The trainer exclaims. I smile and watch Levi and Ben.

They look so awkward standing in position. Ben has one eye shut and his opposite eyebrow raised up, as if he were shooting a gun. Levi looks like he's having trouble pulling back the string. His positioning is so funny!

They both release around the same time, and with very little luck. Ben's arrow lands on the ground and Levi's arrow lands next to a different trainer's head, who is leaning against the wall. The guy jumps back in shock and turns our way, glaring at our trainer.

"Well, maybe you'll get better?" I encourage Levi.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah? I bet yours was pure luck."

I raise my eyebrow. Grabbing another arrow, I load it on the bow. It takes me less time to shoot. When I release, it lands right smack in the middle of the target's head, exactly where I was aiming for. I turn back to Levi and smile.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now