|55| Capitol Update: Day 2

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome, Panem! Can you believe that the second day is already over? I certainly can't!

We only had three deaths today, starting with Aloe Briar, one of the twins from District 8! She was chased by the trio from 10. After running away for a very long time, she finally stopped, letting the careers get to her. She tried to escape when they started talking but didn't make it very far! She was pulled back by her hair and then stabbed through the back by Titus.

Next we had Alexander Devero from District 10! What a surprise! They ran into the District 13 alliance, thinking that they could bring 'em down. But Chad Harlow threw his sword at Alexander's neck, nearly decapitating him!

Last today was Zachary Domin from District 12. He was spotted in the cornucopia by Brooklyne from 10. She tortured him to his death very slowly, pretending like that's the way to play spy! She him tied him to a weapons rack, and then she started cutting and stabbing him all over his body! She finally ended with slashing him in the stomach with her sword.

Don't forget to watch day three tomorrow! We have all the votes in for the special attraction. And the most popular one was demon rabbits! We will send them in around ten o'clock and they will be there for a max of five hours. They will be scattered around randomly in packs of six or less. This should definitely be exciting!

I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."

"And cut!"

I walk to my dressing room quickly, just to grab my coat and head outside. The president had a very important meeting at his mansion, so he told me to take the rest of the night off after the Capitol Update.

I get in my car and drive to the game makers headquarter. Aurelius told me to meet him there, and I have a feeling I know exactly why.

It's not too far from here, only a few blocks. I turn off the engine and walk out of my car and into the building.

After taking the elevator up, I walk into the game makers' main room and spot my brother. He sees me and immediately walks towards me. Grabbing my hand, he says, "Follow me."

He leads me to an elevator. When we get in there, he unscrews a bolt, opening a tiny panel in the wall, about the width of a wedding ring box. He presses the secret button inside it and the doors automatically close. He closes the opening and screws back on the bolt. It blends in with the wall of the elevator, since everything in here is a mosaic design. Thank goodness there are no cameras.

We reach the underground floors where only a few select people know about it. The President isn't one of those people.

When we reach the negative third floor, we exit the elevator. He leads me down the middle hallway. It's filled with some of the most tech savvy people in the Capitol. I nod at them as I pass by.

Aurelius brings me into the room where our biggest experiment is. Inside, there's a few machinists working on it.

"Evening Aurelia," our good friend, Nick, greets us, "The machine is almost fully operational. We just need to adjust it a bit. Before this year's games end, it'll be complete."

Nick is one of the smartest people in the Capitol. But of course, only people in on this project know about his intelligence.

"Great, how many people?" I ask.

"Only three. We need to choose wisely." he replies and scratches his head. I suck in my cheeks and think hard about this.

"There's only two that we absolutely need to have. When they're here, we'll let them choose the other one."

"Seems fair. Do you think they'll be able to pull it off?" Aurelius asks me.

I nod my head and sigh. "There's no one better for the job."


Recap of Day 2 Deaths:

-Aloe Briar, District 8

-Alexander Devero, District 10

-Zachary Domin, District 12

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