|56| The Games: Day 3

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Cloe's P.O.V. (D8)

None of this was supposed to happen. Aloe and I were never supposed to be in these games. She wasn't supposed to die. I'm not supposed to be alive.

After seeing Aloe's face in the sky last night, I couldn't stop crying. Even when I thought I had run myself dry, more tears came flooding down.

Our alliance hasn't even said a word—at least not to me. I can tell they're all equally as shocked as I am.

My whole entire family is dead and gone. Even if I win, I have no one to go back home to. The rest of my life will be filled with nothing but grief and depression.

"Hey Cloe," Jacob says gently, "We have to get a move on. We're low on water." I wipe my eyes, nod, and slowly stand up. I drag my feet over to the rest of them. They only offer me their sad smiles.

"Let's go." Isabelle grabs my hand and tugs me along.


Sapphire's P.O.V. (D7)


Wow, a cannon already? It's still early!

The ones from 10 must be hunting right now. I must say though, I am very pleased that one of them was declared dead last night. Since yesterday wasn't very exciting, I'm sure the gamemakers will throw something in the arena for today.

"Who do you think that was?" Misty asks curiously.

"I dunno," I shrug. "Hopefully one of the stronger ones. But I'm not complaining, the more cannons that go off, the sooner we can get outta here."

"Yeah, until they throw us into another arena for more entertainment," Midnight rolls her eyes. "Isn't two hunger games in a year good enough?"

I sigh out loud, frustrated with everything. "The Capitol loves this shit. The more the merrier, I guess."

"Sixty-four out of sixty-five children dead in one year? Yeah, because that's so much fun, right?" Midnight mocks in a Capitol accent.

"Right, I just love watching innocent kids being forced to slaughter one another." I add sarcastically to her comment.

"Whatever, let's hunt. I'm hungry." Misty says.

The squirrels we caught yesterday barely had any meat on them, and we can all agree that we're getting tired of packaged food.

"What time is it?" Misty asks.

"I'd say around nine o'clock. Everyone else is probably awake by now." I respond. We keep walking down the trail until Midnight asks me a question.

"When'd you wake up after you passed out during training?"

I roll my eyes and groan. "You're just now bringing that up?"

She laughs and I respond, "It was about an hour later or something. But the doctor wouldn't let me go." I scratch my neck, grimacing at the memory of the disgusting red blotches on my skin.

"Sounds fun." Misty adds with a smirk.

"Oh, definitely. Nothing better than having a Capitol freak I don't know jump over a table and tackle me to the ground." They laugh in unison. I smack them both.

"Okay, how 'bout we stop talking about that and start looking for food, yeah?"


River's P.O.V. (D11)

"Shit, all the water is gone!"

Bo is desperately trying to dig a deeper hole in the ground. All the water from our hole is gone, dried up. Now we're left with two bottles and they're only half full.

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