|38| Capitol Update: The Reapings

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Hello, Panem!" I greet cheerily, facing the camera.

"Welcome back! My my, how I have missed you all! It's been a month since the end of the first games! I have just received news that the reapings for Districts 7 through 13 are done. Congratulations to all of the lucky tributes! Let's start with the recap of District 7.

Our first tribute is Sapphire Calla. She was forced into the games for illegally going past the district boundaries.

Second up, we have Winter Cross. She volunteered for her friend, Autumn. What a brave girl! After Winter came Ben Knight. He was the only tribute actually chosen from the bowl! He seemed a bit shaky at first, but his nerves seemed to fade after Levi Huffaker volunteered. Speaking of which, Levi seemed awfully excited to volunteer! Who knows, he may have a few tricks up his sleeve!

Last from District 7 is Midnight Wren. Yet another volunteer, assuming she volunteered in place of a family member, Nathan Wren.

Let's move on to District 8! Starting with the twins, Aloe and Cloe Briar! They were also forced in the games because of an illegal act. They screamed 'fire!' in the middle of the night, when they knew that there wasn't one. Shame, they should know better."

Really, President Snow? I feel so bad for those girls! They have no family left! They had a perfectly good reason to do what they did.

"After the twins, we had Ivan Keen, a volunteer. He looks like a tough competitor, so I'd watch out for him! Our lucky fourth tribute from District 8 is Blue Saffron. A bit shy, but I bet he's capable of yielding a weapon!

Lastly, we had a very unlucky tribute, Vincent Danvers. Poor kid, he fainted after his name was called! I heard when he woke, he almost had a heart attack!

That's it for District 8, now onto District 9! First up, we had Candace Cunninghan. A fiery red head with a hot attitude! I bet she'll do well in training!

Our second tribute was Jakob Rowan, volunteering for his sister Meghan. So sweet of him!

Next, we had Skylar Terran. Boy, she had an interesting attitude! She must've had some bad experiences in the past that toughened her up.

After Skylar we had Astrid Faintree! I can definitely see potential in her. She has a very delicate face with the personality of a career! How interesting!

Last but not least, we had thirteen year old Misty Jisondo. She seems to be quick, quiet, and small, but those traits will definitely be useful in the arena.

Now I must admit that District 10's reaping was definitely unexpected. First up, we have Alexander Devero! He's quite the charmer, and he's confident that he'll win these games! Quite the package if you ask me.

Next we had a volunteer, Titus Purdom. Originally being from District 4, a career district, I'd expect him to do very well!

Our first girl from District 10 is Brooklyne Archer. She along with the two boys looks like they'll make a terrific trio!

Next tribute is Isabelle Lockheart, and after her Andrew Hass. Both seem pretty shy, but do you think that's how they actually are? Or do you think it's all an act for the cameras?"

I'm getting awfully tried of describing each tribute, but I press on. All of the reapings have been painfully long.

"District 11 has a very interesting mix. Four older, stronger guys and a younger, innocent looking girl. The girl is Amalia Bohen. Her and Bo Aspen were both pulled out together! And how interesting, Bo is related to Katerina Aspen who died in the first games! We also have the other three guys, Marcus Brix, River Fahrenknot, and Zeon Meryl. All of them look like they have what it takes to win these games!"

I glance over to President Snow, and he makes a hand gesture, motioning for me to slow down. Mentally sighing, I continue.

"District 12 was definitely a reaping to remember. First up, we had Snow Tempest." From the corner of my eye, I think I could see the President perk up at her name and give a small, suspicious looking grin.

"It appeared as if she knew that she was going to be picked! It's probably that gut instinct. Maybe she was always meant to participate!"

The camera cut out her little speech, so the viewers didn't catch what she had said about being related to the president. I know better than to mention any of it.

"After Snow, we had Coal Monestime, age fifteen. Boy, what a typical District 12 name! Maybe he has some mining skills and strategies to use in the arena! You never know what District 12 can come up with.

Our third tribute was Zachary Domin. The only thing I can say is wow! He definitely looks like he has the potential to win! Every bit of strength counts.

After Zachary's—um, little moment, we had Isaac Novak! I can definitely tell that he'll be loved by all the ladies in the Capitol! He's an awfully sweet and cheerful boy, maybe he'll have some strength behind all that happiness. We'll just have to find out!

Lastly, we had Ash Heathers, another common District 12 name! Like Coal, I bet he has some skill with mines or something!

We will finally close with the reaping of District 13! The moment we've all been waiting for!

First to be reaped was Talon Falkov, age sixteen. Black hair, muscular arms, and broad shoulders. Definitely arena material!

After him was Lot Elmsen. Age fifteen, brown hair, and a little under the average male height.

Our first ever girl to be reaped from District 13 is Melody Carson! Age eighteen, brown hair, piercing eyes, and a fiery attitude that will do her well in the arena."

Since President Snow didn't allow the districts and the Capital to watch District 13's reaping, I have to describe them physically. However, he did give me a warning. If I mention anything negative about them or if I add any inappropriate comments, he said I should fear what will come next.

Gulping nervously, I continue.

"Our fourth tribute is Charlotte Pierce. She's an awfully pretty girl, age seventeen, cute face, long brown hair, and described as sassy! I love it already!

Last but not least, we have Chad Harlow. I must say, he looks the most intimidating out of the five! Standing at six foot two, age seventeen, brown hair, well-trained arms, and a confident attitude!

That's it for now, folks! Make sure to keep up with the Capitol Updates if you want to hear the latest, most exciting news! I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update." I flash one more smile at the camera.

"And cut!"

Cheers and applause erupts from the crew and I give them a small, relieved smile. President Snow walks up to me and looks me right in the eye, with a serious face. He doesn't say anything.

Oh no. What did I do? Am I going to be punished? Will he lock me up and have me tortured?

After a few more excruciatingly long seconds, his serious expression chances to a happy one.

"Well done, Ms. Tempersmith! You've done very well." I let out a small, relieved breath.

"Thank you, sir."

"I like the new and improved you. Keep up the good work." And with that, he walks out of the room.

Oh, I think to myself and smirk behind his back. But you don't know the real me.

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