|27| The Games: Day 4

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Phoenix's P.O.V. (D2)

I wake up only to find myself lying on the ground. How did I get here? And where is Crystal and Pearl? I thought we were on the mountain?

I look up at the sky to see the sun already starting to set. I can barely remember anything. Looking at the weapons I next to me, I notice that I only have my sword and three throwing knives. What happened to my other four?

I also realize that I don't have a pack. I try to recall what happened yesterday. I remember the blizzard and the wolves. I remember climbing into a cave. I remember watching the faces of the fallen tributes. Then I remember a floating black box and an announcement—

That's right. There's going to be a feast today. Why would they call it a feast? If they mean trap us in one area together to kill one another, then I think that's considered a second bloodbath.

I climb to the very top of the tree next to me. I turn to my left and can barely see the cornucopia. It's probably a mile and a half away from here. Beyond the cornucopia is the mountain. They dropped me so far off from where I originally was.

When I climb down the tree, a buzzing noise sounds in my ear. I turn around and see a huge, bird-like mutt coming near me. My eyes blow wide and I immediately dash away from it. The only place to sprint to is in the direction of the cornucopia. I hear screams erupting from my left, my right, the opposite end of the arena—everywhere.

The mutt gets faster and faster the longer I sprint away from it. Once I reach the edge of the ice, I stop, knowing that the thin ice can't be trusted. However, the mutt has different ideas and pushes me until I'm on the ice. I grunt as I fall on my side. The mutt then flies away.

I'm beyond perplexed until I see that some other tributes are in the same position as I am, down on the ground and breathing heavily. I finally see Pearl and Crystal, the boy from 3, one of the girls from 5, and a boy from 4. Other tributes come screaming and running onto the ice. I try to run back into the woods, but as I hit it, I get pushed back and fall on my behind. I realize what it is and silently curse the game makers. It's a force field to keep us all trapped here.

As soon as all the tributes are in here, a loud voice booms from the sky.

"Good morning, tributes!"

Yeah, sure, it's a real good morning.

"Today may or may not be your last day in the arena, depending on how many will perish in the ten minutes you will be here. There is a force field around the perimeter of the ice, so you will be forced to fight here and now. Good luck! You may begin!"

As soon as the voice goes away, no one moves. There's a deadly silence in the air. That is, until Velvet makes the first move. She throws a knife at someone's shoulder. They let out a pained cry and carefully sprints towards Velvet, throwing a spear at her leg.

Simultaneously, fighting rages everywhere. I speed walk towards Crystal and motion to head towards Pearl. I see Princeton running near us, so I throw my knife at his heart. He ducks out of the way, but it still hits his lower arm. He hisses and yanks it out. He's only about twenty yards away from us, but I don't want to risk throwing another knife because now, I'm down to only two.

Crystal and I turn around to get away from him, but not before he throws his spear at us. I jump to the left and hear a shriek behind me. I grunt when I hit the ice turn around, only for my eyes to bulge out of its socket when I see where the spear landed. With blood spattered around the ice, in her hair, and spewing out of her mouth, I cry out Pearl's name in despair.


Artemis's P.O.V. (D5)


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