The little mermaid whose belly was rubbed (pearl gems stuffed the cloaca, forcin

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The little mermaid whose belly was rubbed (pearl gems stuffed the cloaca, forcing the little mermaid to simulate ovulation)
The little mermaid whose belly was rubbed (pearl gems stuffed the cloaca, forcing the little mermaid to simulate ovulation)
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【What the writer wants to say:】

Yuan Wanbai: The process is a bit difficult and dangerous, but the plan goes through√

The liver is not moving, come and get a ticket _§:з)))"∠)_

Tomorrow, let my brother expand the lower birth canal and give me small fish eggs directly! !


Chu Dong felt that the boss had gone crazy recently, not to mention looting goods everywhere, and the usual training was also extremely ruthless, he muttered to himself: "Oh, there are some people who don't want to rob, it's all right now, I'm afraid it's not because of the dark wounds, it will aggravate into a mental riot. "

The person who was swinging the knife suddenly looked at him, and Chu Dong's heart suddenly rose, it can't be so unlucky, and this can also be heard.

Yin Qiyuan threw the knife back into its sheath, and raised his hand to hold Chu Dong's shoulder firmly: "Come on, today the mecha will practice fighting with you."

"No, no, no," Chu Dong said with a dry smile, "I've trained enough today, and boss, you won't enjoy fighting me."

"Ah Liang" he winked, "Ah Liang, come here quickly, the boss has something to look for you."

The person called Ah Liang put down the barbell, scratched his head and walked over, "Boss, did you call me?"

Yin Qiyuan smiled, and brought them into the practice room one by one in each hand: "Then you two should go together."

After a hearty fight, Chu Dong gasped for breath and got off the mecha, and saw that Yin Qiyuan seemed to be fine, with sweat protruding from the corner of his forehead. He didn't dare to speak any more, and thought to himself, after the boss went crazy, his physical fitness became more abnormal, and his five senses also improved a lot. Is this some kind of additional buff?

Just when he was thinking about stimulating himself once, and went crazy, Yin Qiyuan sat down and took out a string of small pearls from his bosom.

Those pearls are indeed small, about the size of a little finger, each pearl is lustrous and plump, the luster of the pearl is soft and moist, and the color is flowing under the lamp, it is very beautiful. But in the end, they are just some worthless little pearls, but they are so precious that they need to be wiped carefully with a flannel cloth every day.

Chu Dong leaned against the wall, staring dryly. After seeing the man finished wiping, he lowered his eyes and stroked the little pearl for a while, opened another box, picked up a perforated blue cone, and put it into the string of beads... That was the item I rushed to Jialanxing last time and took a long time to grab it! Then he took out a shiny ruby and casually strung it on. It was the top-quality pigeon blood red that he snatched back from the last time he had a head-on fight with Old Ghost Peng! ! Then there is a well-rounded gemstone, exuding a light powder, and it fainted purple again under the light in a blink of an eye. Isn't that the batch of color-changing stones that the military escorted last week? When did one miss arrive? In the hands of the boss...! !

Suddenly, the string of worthless little pearls changed drastically. Chu Dong swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and said dryly, "Boss, who are you going to sell this string of pearls to?" Can he snap up it in advance?

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