42. What He Thought

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Explosions spread across the air as Bakugou glides through the night sky. Besides him, a flash of green darts between buildings. 

"We're almost there Kacchan! The beacon faded out but I know where it was!" Midoriya yells through the streets to his friend. 

"Don't talk to me like you're in charge Deku!" Bakugou yells violently, as he lands on the roof a a brick building, quickly hiding behind the walls that perimeter its edges. Besides him, Midoriya does the same. They only peak over the walls, careful of what lies ahead. 

"This is the place they have her then..." Bakugou growls, watching brick, furniture and a mess of objects fall from the sky, closing off a whole side of the building. The chaos is a relentless, multicoloured and cascading mess.

"She could still be under there!" Midoriya yells, quickly rising from his feet, and preparing to jump. 

"Damn it Deku! She's stronger than that! She'll be in there somewhere fighting." Bakugou yells, pulling the green haired boy back down. 

"We can't just dive in." The blond hero growls, scanning the scene. Chaos still falls from the sky. Doors are spread across the giant factory the two boys continuously scan. It's by a local water way through the city. A fishing dock is the closest building, and the riverway must lead to the sea.  It's perfect for all kinds of villainy. Bakugou can't help but be irritated at the thought, that the league of villains were right under the hero's noses, in their city. 

"We should find the closest door to where the beacon was fired from. We'lwl find (Y/n) and Endeavor fastest that way. Got it loser?" Bakugou orders, his eyes on the door that seems closest to the rubble. 

"Actually, just (Y/n)" Midoriya  mumbles.

As the word are uttered, Bakugou's gaze follow Midoriya's and it falls on a relieving sight. Endeavor, battered and bruised, steps out from the shadows of the side of the building, a young boy cradled in his arms. The man's figure is riddled in sweat and reeks of pain. He smiles down at the boy, his teeth shining white and confident. It's an unusual sight on the man. The hero is talking softly to the boy, likely pumping him up, or possibly comforting him.

"Could it be a trick?" Midoriya asks, turning to Bakugou. 

"Let's find out. If it is, the villains will regret existing" Bakugou answers quickly, standing up, and quite literally leaping from the building, explosions blasting from his hands. 

"What is that?!" Olly yells his gaze turning from Endeavour to the flying and yelling teenager that tears toward them. "It's a villain!" he yells out.

"I'm not a villain brat!"

"Kaccan! You're scaring him!" Midoriya yells, following Bakugou quickly and stopping before the blond boy to calm him down.

Without hesitation, Izuku turns to the young boy. "You must be Olliver! We're not villains. We're heroes in training at UA." The boy smiles his soft, heart -warming smile. "We're here to help you and (Y/n) out of here" His word sound so genuine, but oddly rehearsed. 

"Even the hedgehog man?!" Olly says, slightly terrified, and his voice raspy and weak.

"Hedgehog Man?!" Bakugou growls, stepping toward the boy, his fist clenched.

Endeavour merely glares to Bakugou who stops in his tracks at the sight " Where are the rest off the heroes?"

"Aizawa Sensei is sending them our way. They shouldn't be too far."

"And Hawks?" The number one hero asks solemnly. 

"Alive and recovering with Recovery Girl" Izuku smiles sweetly,

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