23. Truths or Dares

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As the next few weeks pass, you find yourself spending plenty of time with Kirishima and Bakugou. Studying, training, binging movies or playing sport, and it always manages to put a smile on your face...

"So, you're parents are visiting in a couple of weeks now yeah?" Kirishima mumbles, stuffing his pile of food in his mouth at the cafeteria as per usual.

"Yep. Flying over from Australia in about six weeks." You bounce, shoving sushi in your mouth simultaneously.

Bakugou raises an eyebrow at your newfound chirpy demeanor.

"And when are you hanging out with the green haired twat that wrote the other letter?"

"Not sure yet." You roll your eyes at Bakugou's insult and turn your attention back to Kirishima.

"Are we still watching a movie after school?" You smile, glad to be free of your homework for the first time in a while.

"I don't see why not. Bakugou, you down?" Kirishima says, putting down his food.

"I think I'll pass spending more time with you losers." 

"Hey!" You retort, but both you and Kirishima end up laughing at your desperate behavior.

"Fine" You let out dramatically as you stand up and walk to the other side of the table. "Kirishima and I will enjoy each other's company alone. Won't we?" You smile down at your red headed friend, who's cheeks grow to resemble his hair before he rises to his feet, determined.

"Yeah!" He shouts and you only smile at your friend before wrapping your arm around his and making for the cafeteria door all in one dramatic scene.

Mina giggles at the sight as she holds the door open for you when she is exiting the cafeteria.

"Heeeeey you two" She chuckles teasingly, wiggling her eye brows at you.

"Pfft. Losers." Bakugou growls, slumping back into his chair slightly.


As Mulan, the Disney movie both you and Kirishima agreed is empowering, plays in the background, the two of you are lent over the coffee table, hands inter locked and sweat pouring down them.

"I will win this damn arm wrestle!" You growl, staring intensely at your hand which struggles to even budge Kirishima's arm.

"You said that the past six rounds." He chuckles before finally putting in some effort and slamming your arm in the opposite direction.

"Damn it." You mumble and scratch your head. "How are you so strong?"

"Well. I guess with the quirk I have, I've gotta train to keep my body tough." He grins, his pointy teeth, smiling at you.

Before you have the time to reply, a familiar, chirpy voice rings through the common room and both you and Kirishima smile lopsidedly at the sound.

"Whoop Whoop! Let's have some fuuuuun ladies!" Mina squeals as she dances her way into the living room, without music and with Ururaka, Asui, Kaminari and Jiriou besides her.

"Hey guys" You chuckle as Kirishima rises to his feet and reaches his arm out to help you up.

You gladly take it.

"Oooh what's going on in here?" Mina giggles, throwing her friends a wink.

"We're watching a movie." Kirishima replies, rolling his eyes as Mina wiggles her eye brows.

She stops at his words and mimics him.

"Why don't we do something fun instead?" She whines and clicks the off button on the remote to which you and your red haired friend sigh at.

"What did you have in mind?" You ask.

The pink girl gleefully dances her way around you before planting herself on the couch, thinking, you believe.

"How about truth or dare?"

Kaminari instantly raises an eyebrow, smiling at the thought and admires Jirou from besides her.

"Yeah could be fun. I'm in." He replies, sitting on the couch.

You raise a questioning eyebrow to Kirishima who shrugs his shoulders in response.

"Yeah. Alright." You smile and sit yourself besides him.

I'm going to regret this...

Half an hour into the game. You're eyes don't know where to focus. Jirou is profusely blushing as she sits on Kaminari's lap and oddly enough so is he. Asui is hanging from the roof from her tongue and Ururaka is confessing all the information about her and Izuku. While in the middle of it all, Kirishima is laughing awkwardly as he waves his shirt about and his abs are put on show yet again.

You and Mina stare directly at each other, sitting on the floor.

"Truth or dare Kirishima." She grins, still looking at you.

Oh god no...

"Heh. Truth this time."

Immediately Mina's smile grows and she swiftly stands up, pulling you with her.

"Do you think (Y/n)'s attractive ?" She asks, torturing the poor boy as his face goes pink.

"You don't have to answer that" You state quickly.

"Yes you do." Mina simply raises a hand and pushes your body gently towards the wall.

"Kiri?" She chimes, turning to the shirtless boy who's face grows a deep red.

"Yeah. I think she's beautiful, but..."

Before he has the time to finish his sentence, Mina jumps behind the Red headed boy and gives him a good shove, sending him towards you.

When the weight of his body hits yours, your first instinct is to stop him from falling and you wrap your arms around Kirishima. Suddenly silence floods over the room. You process how strange this must look, your hands wrapped around Kirishima without a shirt and your blushing face burrowed into his chest, and his arms are firmly against the wall, as though they're pinning you there.

"Then tell her." Mina giggles, and smiles at the sight.

When her laughter is cut off, you immediately know something is wrong. Both you and Kirishima turn your head towards the stairway and instantly pull away from each other. In response, at the bottom of the stairs, Bakugou stares blankly at the scene, a bottle of water in his hand and his scarlet red eyes, only processing what he'd just  witnessed.

"Hey Bakugou." Kirishima rubs at the back of his head uncomfortably and you turn, smiling weakly at the unkempt blond.

"Hey." You smile and before you have the chance to say another word, Bakugou turns his attention back up the stairs and steps out of view without a word.

"Mina." Kirishima almost growls as he turns to the pink girl and it's unlike anything you've seen before.

"You're an idiot! I love (Y/n) as a friend. She's the manliest girl I know. That's all she'll ever be to me! Alright?"

Kirishima's eyebrows are furrowed and his fists are curled. His fierce, white teeth are gritted as he attempts to keep his composure.

You smile and grip at shoulder.

"Hey. Its alright."

Kirishima gazes up the staircase and turns his attention to the floor.

"I'm not so sure."

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