20. Hitler's Birthday

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Today, when you peer through your window, you're shocked not to see Bakugou on the iced morning grass. It almost saddens you... almost.

Immediately the thought as to why he might not be training sends an obnoxious smile across your face and quickly, you spiral around to your drawers.

The chaos that follows only makes you smile more.

Clothes tear across the room as you raid your clothes. During the process , you use the mirror and your quirk to your advantage. The hair brush is encased in pink and you begin brushing at your hair.

A sudden knock at the door causes you to drop everything however.

It's Sunday... At 7.30. Who would be at my door?

Steadily, you wrap your hands around your handle and creak your dorm door open before peeking your head around.

You smile at the person outside.

Sato, in his cupcake pajamas, smiles back before raising a large container to you.

"I let it sit over night, but I didn't want to leave it in the fridge to ruin the surprise." The oaf of a boy places the box in your hands to which you immediately creak the lid open.

"Sato! It looks amazing!"

You turn up to him and his smile is modest and his cheeks grow a deep red.

"Just make sure I get a taste, alright?" He lets out quietly and nods.

You nod back and whisper to him as he walks down the hall.

"Thank you."

When you're dressed, you smile at yourself in the mirror. You are wearing the red pants Kaminari gave you, but a far more appropriate shirt and pair of shoes.

I do look good in the pants.

Swiftly, you pick up the filled bag you haven't opened since you went shopping with your friends and disappear out your door, before taking the stairs to the boy's floor.

Is this a mistake? You think to yourself when the dorms come into view. Its only eight o'clock. Will he be terrifying?

Your thoughts are cut off when you plant yourself at one of the boy's doors. It is undoubtedly the most terrifying door to be standing in front of.

Still, you raise your trembling hand to the wood and knock, the sound echoing throughout the hall.

"Mmmm." A slight grumbling sound comes from behind the door and you only blink at the sound before knocking again.

"Bakugou?" You whisper, but let out a slight breath as the door flings open.

"What do you want, damn it?!"

Bakugou's unkempt hair, dreary red eyes and...

You tense at the sight before you.

The disheveled boy sends your heart racing a million miles an hour as he glances sleepily down at you. His usual plain black singlet is absent and he's wearing nothing but a pair of light grey tracksuit pants.

"H-Happy Birthday." You smile hopelessly and turn your head up to him before reaching out to hold the bag in front of him. 

His red eyes only stare at you, questioning the scene that is unfolding.

At least until he reaches out his hand, grips at your shoulder and tears you into his dorm.

"Huh?!" Your eyes widen as the hallway disappears from view and you're encased in the unfamiliar darkness of Bakugou's room.

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