4.The Only Cool Thing About Hitler

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You can feel the buzz among your classmates as you step out of the gates of UA and toward the bus. Ururaka is literally punching the air up until the point she sees you. They're all so pumped to go to Yeera High School.

"They get very excited, don't they?" A calm, deep voice startles you and your body twists around to meet the deep voice's source. 

It's Tokoyami. His eyes are fixed on your classmates, and you're assuming he's happy. You mean, he has a beak and a birdly head, so it is rather difficult to tell if he's smiling.

Still, you nod at his comment. To be honest, you've already grown rather fond of some of your classmates.

Tokoyami would be one of those people. You get along really well. His forward thinking and stern personality shows he has a steady head, but he's not a jerk at all. His quirk astounds you too! You mean, heck, he can control a bad ass creature of darkness!

You pull my mind from my thoughts as his eyes meet yours.

"This will be your first real trial at UA will it not?"

"Yeah. I guess it will be. But don't fret, I intend to prove that I should be here."

"I'd expect no less" His eyes gleam at you as each of you step onto the bus.

Now the challenge begins. You glance from classmate to classmate. Finding someone to sit with is something you know will prove to be a difficult task as the new student.

Midoriya has already found a place besides Ururaka. That simply makes you smile to yourself. Tokoyami makes his way towards Shouji. And the other people you get along with like Kirishima, Tsuyu and Mina are already chatting away with someone.

"Alright class. In a seat. We should be there in about an hour." You jump as Aizawa's words echo throughout the bus and his hand point to a seat.

It's the last seat left. Oh no, this could end badly. You step towards the chair, not failing to nod at Mr Aizawa.

And your feet struggle to stop as you glance down at the spot you have to sit in.

"Don't you fucking dare" Bakugou growls, still staring out the window. The only seat left is next to the most short tempered, aspiring hero, you have ever met.

"It's the only seat left" You smile at him slightly. He only just catches a glimpse of it when he turns to you. 

His eyes are unyielding as he glances around the bus. He doesn't look mad. He doesn't even look fazed, but his tone says otherwise.

"I guess you'll have to bloody stand then won't you?" He returns to  his gazing out the window.

"Katsuki. Don't be an ass and let her sit next to you" You don't need to turn around to know the voice. Mr Aizawa mumbles as he sits in his chair.

A slight growl escapes the blonde, hot headed boy, but that's it. So, you place yourself beside him, careful not to bump him.

"I'm sorry. I won't bother you." You sigh as you peer towards Midoriya, who throws you an empathetic smile.

"Shut up"

So you do just that and Bakugou makes sure not to look at you.

Half an hour passes on the trip, and your headphones and book are the best company you've got at this point in time. Everyone else is talking, but you and Bakugou sit in silence. You're not complaining. History and music is the perfect combination.

The words that are scribbled across the pages before you are currently jokes about Adolf Hitler. Yes. Its grim. But comedians make the best of grim conversations-

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