30. Warmth

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Footsteps echo throughout the empty yard of UA as heels meet the path. The moon has begun its take over in the sky and countless starts light up the famed school. All the while, distant music sends the footpaths rattling along with your heart as you move at your best speed your aching foot can carry you, despite the nurse litterally kissing it better.

The formal dance began half an hour or so ago, while you were finally getting ready after helping quite a large amount of your class mates with ties or dresses.

"Damn it! Why did the gym have to be on the other side of the school?"

Meanwhile, 1A and all the other UA students are already putting their dance moves on display, especially Mina as she sends herself twirling around her classmates.

"Where is she?!" She yells to Midoriya who's bouncing back and fourth with Ururaka.

"I don't know." He mumbles, staring down at his feet desperately attempting to not to fall face first into Ururaka, who's smiling and swaying with ease.

The building they're all stationed in is absolutely indescribable. Orange globe ball lights dance with one another to the sound of the music, making the room indescribably beautiful and fairy lights encase the roof along with pink and white streamers.

The stage is surrounded by lights and pillars surrounded in ivy as Kyoka sings into her mucrophone, loud and bold with Kaminari playing guitar and Iida playing piano. Her voice could take her to the top of the music industry, truly.

Buffet tables of all kinds line the walls and Todoroki finds himself stationed af the ramen and soba table. While one wall is left free for the bleacher chairs that have always lived int the gym for people to sit on. Which is exactly where Kirishima and Bakigou find themselves sitting from the beginning of this wjole damn stupid finasco.

"I can't believe this shit was compulsory." Bakugou's low growl sends a shiver through Kirishima as the innocent boy's gentle red eyes gaze across the room to the door, waiting for you to arrive.

"I think it'll be well worth it soon enough"

Bakugou raises an eyebrow at his words before leaning over to meet his gaze.

"Why? The only reason this shit has any hope is because of the food."

"And me, yeah?" Kirishima smiles, his red eyes sparkling at the boy besides him who turns his gaze away, letting out a slight huff. "I mean, (Y/n) should be here soon. You guys are talking again yeah?"

Bakugou doesn't turn back to the red head as he speaks. "I don't know. We haven't said much to one another since I took the damn stubborn nerd to the nurse."

"Hmmm. Well she's been in a good mood since, so that's a good sign man" Kirishima lets out chirpily.

"At this rate she's not going to show up anyway." The combustive blond, growls turning to all the people dancing and bouncing in the center of the room.

Almost as though you'd heard him, the main doors to the gym are gently pushed open and instantly, eyes including Bakugou's turn to the new distraction.

Some widen at the sight before them.

There you stand, your chest rising and falling in an absolutely gorgeous dress painted a blood color that reaches the end of your legs. Its shoulderless sleeves and arrow like cut at the top, compliment your shape and draws undeniable attention to your chest as you breath havily. As it stretches to the floor, silk flows gently, pulling towards the wind outside and your hair, curled and intertwined with small flowers does the same.

Kirishima immediately turns to Bakugou, a smile on his face as the blonde's scarlett eyes trail across your body and his lips, although barely noticeable part slightly.

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