2.Game on

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Arrays of sunlight dance with one another on your blanket as music bounces off the walls off the room.

Your alarm.

You can feel the drain in your body, the exhaustion and the heaviness as you roll over and let your eyes lazily stare at the green flashing of your phone. The familiar tune sends your head blaring and your ears crying. Moving is exhausting. Why is it so difficult?

As your hands reach for the flashing color, a realization hits you. The feeling of the cold timber floor sends a chill creeping through your arms, hairs sticking up at the sensation. Your mind searches for an explanation. I don't have timber floors... But, UA does.

UA High School. Did I really make it?

I guess we'll find out...

You pull yourself from your "bed" and make for the window. Your body is kick started into action at the thought of UA almost immediately. The sleeping bag is left to its own lonely devices, spurred across the floor, while your thoughts quickly wander away from it. You don't have anything else in your room yet, but you do have a curtain and that's the only piece of 'furniture' you can call your own so far.

You pull open the drape and the sun takes the first chance it has to furiously attack your face. However, when you come to your senses, a glimpse of a brighter light catches your attention.

Your hands curl over the window ledge and you soon have a view of the small yard behind the dorms. In the yard, a huge spectacle reveals itself as fire disappears and reforms right in front of the window. Its Bakugou.

An image of the night before replays in your head. The way he glared down at you makes you click your tongue in disappointment. How could anyone forget those eyes?

He has the hose on standby, while he shoots fire into the air. His palms, and head are sweating, and his breath is clearly short, but fire still comes spurring out from his hands. He definitely has an impressive quirk.

Quickly, you spin away and tear at your suitcase. This would be your first day at UA. Make it a good one (Y/n). Make a good impression. Begin your path to being the best. The sentences play out in your head. You have a way of ramping yourself up when it comes to being a hero as its all you've ever wanted...

By the time you've finished mentally rambling to yourself, your uniform is on and you're stepping out the doors of the elevator and into the common room.

A god damn beautiful smell consumes your nose when you do.

"Morning (Y/n)! We made some pancakes to celebrate being back at UA after the break! Want some?" Midoriya chimes, a giant smile spread across his freckled cheeks. They're glowing a bright red too. Its adorable!

"Sure Thing" You mumble pleasantly before glancing around the room."Where is everyone?"

Only a few people are there. On the lounge, Tsui and Ururaka are chatting away, except something is different. Ururaka was smiling and bubbly yesterday, but now she's throwing you death stares that are impossible to deny are there.

The only other people in the room are the three in the kitchen. Todoroki is cooking pancakes and so is Satou. Satou being a big fella, comes across as rather intimidating but his big nose, and giant lips seem soft and welcoming. The way he dances around a kitchen so happily also doesn't help his mean looking build. I mean he's flipping those pancakes likes he's done it a million times.

You made sure to remember everyone's name, and you're wearing the UA uniform, but still, you feel so out of place as you glance around, your arm rubbing the back of your head awkwardly.

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