11- Hand In Hand

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It took a while for both you and Kirishima to get Bakugou to sit down after his trance from Shinsou, but... You managed it. Just.

"That damn loser! I'm going to blow his cock off next round!"

You stare hopelessly at Bakugou as he spits out a few curses and waves his fists about, but you can't help but be happy.

"Hey Bakugou." You peer across at him, looking over Kirishima.


"Do you remember anything?"

He casts his eyes towards the ground, a deep scowl on his face.

"Yeah mostly. The moron did some clever crap, that's for sure."

Both you and Kirishima stare at the blonde boy intently.

"Hey used creating chick to"...

Bakugou goes on to explain how Momo made Shinsou an anchor and a rope for him to attach himself to it. Pink cheeks, well, Ururaka, had made the hypnotic boy float after that, so he just hovered over the anchor.

Todoroki was the key component of his plan. He had literally sweeped Ururaka off her feet and soared across ice in search of the exit. When he found it, Ururaka stopped Shinsou's floating. And what came next was the best part...

He followed Todoroki's ice towards the exit. Bakugou was simply the muscle there to slow down anyone who tried to get ahead.

That was a major blow to his ego.

"I see." You let out, processing Shinsou's plan. "You're right about one thing. It was bloody clever."

The clicking of Bakugou's tongue and the heavy rising of his chest signals you to, well, stop talking.

"Hey we'll make sure we beat im' alright?" Kirishima smiles gleefully.

"Yeah whatever." Bakugou scoffs as he gets to his feet.

That's the last thing he says before round two of the Sports Festival begins.

Snipe, openly talks about how it would be almost a game of hide and seek... With a twist.

You will be in groups of two and tied to one another by a foot and a hand. Half the student body will be the seekers while the other half hide. Those who find the teams with more points from the last round get their points. Those who stay hidden get  fifty points each for every minute they stay hidden.

"I feel like its a bad idea if we partner up (Y/N)" Kirishima mumbles as his eyes scout for our classmates. "So you and Bakugou should pair."

You raise an eyebrow at him before turning to Bakugou, who's face looks completely and utterly frustrated.


Kirishima is quick to reply. "Well. You and I have lots of points put together. If we partnered up, we'd be a huge target."

"Plus. Mina is waving like a mad woman for me to come over." He chuckles before giving Bakugou a small wave.

The dejected boy besides you gives you a quick glance before shoving his hands in his pockets and turning in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Don't you want to be my partner?" You yell, jogging to keep up with him.

"Not particularly, no."

And with that, Bakugou tugs at people in the crowd, nodding for them to get out of his way.

A simple eye roll escapes you, and your heart drops ever so slightly. 

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