33. I'll Save You

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As the following week passes, an eagerness among 1A forms while the class excursion to the hero agency approaches. The field trip is funnily enough, taking place on the same day as your parent's arrival in Tokyo!

Bakugou, after going to the concert with you, seems to be generally angrier at everyone including you, but still finds himself spending time with you, studying, simply resting, or even training. Except he yelled furiously at when you metioned the concert.

He seemed so aggravated, but I thought he had fun?

The first stop on the excursion was to be at the number one hero agency, Endevours of course. This sent excitememt through the class and immediately students tear through the bus door, Aizawa Sensai following behind.

Your classmates tug and yell at one another arguing who would sit with who, and you can't help but smile as you reminiscing over the time you went to Yeera High.

Your eyes tilt up slightly to be met by Katsuki gazing down to you, an eyebrow raised.

"No one asked you to sit with em cause they know they'll have to fight me." He says cockily, strolling onto the bus. Following, your cheeks grow slightly red and a smile immediately forms across your lips.

"Thanks Katsuki." You let out quietly, sitting besides him and flinging your bag to the floor.

The atmosphere in the bus is one that would be impossible to get sick of. Your classmates are smiling, chuckles and tinted cheeks are spread across the big vehicle. Even Mr Aizawa is struggling to hold back a smile as All Might discusses how much the class has grown.

Izuku is grinning and giggling at Todoroki as he impersonates Uraraka when she's around her boyfriend. Its really quite the site as the hetrochromatic links hands with Izuku and flashes his eyelashes. Ururaka can only blush and babble profusely.

After asking you about your parents, Mina and Kirishima enthusiastically play chopsticks. All while Kaminari and Sero hover over them, watching intensely.

Not to mention, Bakugou who sits peacefully, gazing out the window as you peer down at the schedule for the hero agencies you will be visiting.

"We're going to meet Hawks! You know how exciting that is?! I've idolized him for forever!" You squeal, your eyes glistening as you turn to Bakugou.

"Fucking hell. All the bloody girls do." He rolls his eyes at the name and growls "Got to give him props though. He was quick to move up in the ranks and has a good attitude."

"Yeah! The whole cruisey persona."

"You mean the don't give a shit kind?"

Immediately you glare at the blond and return to reading.

"Whatever Red Ass."

Every now and then, you and Bakugou will talk. You even find yourself playing eye spy with Kirishima and the others. Its only when Izuku begins to yell, everyone is focusing on one person.

"Woah! There's a villain attack not to far from us! Its suspected they're looking for a kid with an amazing quirk"

Immediately Bakugou, Kirishima and Sero tear from their seats to peer over Izuku and gaze down at the small screen. Eyes are widened and jaws are dropped quickly.

Gently, you place your pencils and pad in your bag and follow, walking toward the large huddled group who are gripping on to safety handles from the roof.

"Red Ass wait." Bakugou states coldly, reaching out his arm, pushing it against you slightly.

His red gaze is stern and his eyebrows are creased. Izuku's soft gaze immediately turns to you and his lips part slightly, realizing why Bakugou stopped you. His eyebrows are arched and in deep thought as to what to say.

"What? Why?" You push Bakugou's hand to the side and shove against the blond to get past him.

Instantly, the he reaches his hand out and pulls you back yet again.

"Red Ass. I mean it."

"Bakugou move." You order bluntly, shoving him to the side and sending him tumbling into Todoroki, and onto his seat.

When your eyes do indeed scan over the small screen and read over the subtitles, they immediately widen and grow glassy. A tight grip around the chair besides you forms and your body steps back ever so slightly.

The vilain attack, being undertaken by none other than the league of villains, is on a plane that was scheduled to arrive at Tokyo airport in supposebly thirty minutes and is suspected to have approximately ninety passangers.

Two of those passengers are your parents...

"No." You let out a heavy breath and turn your gaze to the floor. "No. That's-"

Before you can speak another word, or process another thought, your body rips towards the front of the bus and you turn to the bus driver, speaking coldly.

"Pull over."

"Miss I can't do that."

"Yes you can."

"No he cannot." Aizawa states dissaprovingly.

"My parent's are on that plane sir!" You scream, your yelling fierce, and ignorant.

"And pros will assure their safety."

"Have the pros stopped the League before?! No." You gaze immediately turns back to the bus driver. " Pull over."

Aizawa pulls himself from his chair before gently placing his hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n). I understand your anger, but you, a hero in training that does not have a licence couldn't make a difference out there. You'd endure major consequences."

"Sir... They're my parents. Someone has to do something."

Aizawa's black eyes bore into yours, acknowelging the slowly forming tears in them.

"Pull over the bus." He sighs, pulling his goggles from his pocket.

"I can go?!"

"Of course not. I will. They need all the help they can get. The bus driver will take a different route and continue the ex-"

Aizawa's words are quickly cut of as a cracking sound rips through the side of the bus, sending the bus rattling and student stumbling over one amother.

"What the hell is that?!" Sero yells, causing everyone's attention to turn to the window.

In front of it, stands a giant unlike any of you have seen before. Its hair is spike and its teeth are in a similar state. The creatures defined, human like, yet monstrous body towers over smaller city buildings.

"Gigantomachia." All Might lets out, his lips parted aloghtliy and his fists clenching.

"Students with a hero licence! If you must defend yourselfs, you have permission!" Aizaw shouts, slammong his hand onto the button which opens the bus doors.

"Do not do anything rash! Evacuate the area and assist anyone who needs to get to safety. Understood?!" All Might chimes in.


Immediately Bakigou's eyes tear afrom AllMight and across the bus, seeking you out.

"Where'd she fucking go?!" Bakugou yells to Izuku and Kirishima as Aizawa speeds off from the bus and towards the beast on the other side.

Each of them follow his action of stepping from the big vehicle and swiftly, there eyes glance through the city. Their voices immediately begin roaring through the streets as their eyes do finally fall on you.

Your hair bounces at the back of your head as you sprint through the mahem, already about two hundred metres away. Your eyes are driven and your clenched fists still tighten. They're words are no longer of concern.

I'll save you...

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