29. Opening the box

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The week nears its end, and chaos swarms the school as Mina and the teachers make final adjustments and begin setting up for the school dance which would take place in three days.

The majority of your class have already been on their shopping sprees and are all practicing their dance  movements in the safety of their dorms. You on the other hand, have been employed to help Mina with multiple party planning chores, which is more than fine with you as you attempt to forget what Bakugou had said...

It's not an easy task, that's for sure.

"Mina, where do you want these boxes?" You groan, carrying a cardboard stack, that towers above your head. Mina's eyes widen at the sight and she creases her eyebrows.

"Woman! Since when were you so strong?!"

You chuckle awkwardly at her question and glance for somewhere to put the boxes.

"I've been working out lately. Got to beat Kirishima in an arm wrestle!" You turn to the pile of boxes others have left and step that way before mumbling a few more words. "And I need distractions to keep my life together."

"What was that?" Mina yells, gliding across the floor, sticking sticky notes on the wall for locations of things.

"Oh nothing!" You yell.

She smiles and turns to you one more time.

"Hey Todoroki and Sato are prepping the menu for the night and I think a woman's opinion could be useful. Any chance you could give them a hand?" She speaks chirpily as she glides.

This suits her...

"Yeah sure thing." You say and head for the door at her order.

"I'll need you back later tonight for the heavy lifting of the delivered stuff. I won't be here but I'll leave instructions if that's alright?"

You roll your eyes as you push the door open. "Yes Mina. I've already offered to help any way I can."

She chirps at your words. "Thank you gorgeous!"

As the dorms come into view, you let out a heavy sigh. Each day becomes more difficult as you cling for distractions and new things to do.  Bakugou meant a lot to you and his words are really catching up with you.

You hadn't had a friend like him . It's strange since he yelled constantly, beat you up, and embarrassed you at any opportunity. But he made you feel special. In his own peculiar way, he treated you in a way he treated no one else.

Maybe I was his guinea pig for trying to be a nicer person... Because clearly I wasn't special to him.

A circular stone tears through the air as you send your foot colliding into it along the pebbled path, a slight growl escaping you as you do.


Your eyes tear away from the floor at a deep voice the groans across the yard and immediately your gaze falls on a red and white headed boy, sitting at a table, rubbing the back of his head.

"Todoroki! I'm so sorry!"

You jog to the boy, who sits besides Sato at an outdoor table, a paper and pen in each of their hands.

"That's a powerful kick you have (Y/n)" Todoroki says calmly, picking up the stone and examining it to see if it was just your kick or if the rock was unique.

"Heh thanks" You say calmly before stationing yourself besides the hetrochromatic boy and of course Sato.

Your hands reach for each of their lists and your eyes follow, tracing over the food ideas.

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