13. You and I

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As of this very moment, you declare that you have multiple personality disorder.

"Oh I'm going to kick his ass!" You yell across to Izuku who's hands are swaying over a medical bed.

He chuckles slightly and turns his head to you, only to be met by your profuse sweating and terrified eyes.

He smiles gently and tilts his head back up to the roof. "I know you'll do great."

A small pause sends a million thoughts through your head. The room is a dull white, and each sentence that plays in your head, ricochets off of them, swirling in all kinds of directions. The medical bed's bars are cold and are your best form of comfort as you grip at them.

"Bakugou will be sure to send me back with more than a sore stomach and cracked bones" You sigh.

The green haired boy besides you simply shakes his head.

"He'll send you out more driven to succeed than you already are" He stutters, clearly thinking back on memories.

You smile at your friend besides you, who's clearly lost in thought.

I will win Katsuki Bakugou.

"Hey, (y/n)"


Izuku talks, facing you, his undivided attention on you. "Where did you learn that thing with the knee?"

"Oh, my dad's a police officer. He taught me all kinds of defense strategies over the years, just in case." You smile, recalling the memories.

His green eyes physically sparkle with curiosity, at the mention of a police officer.

"You're dad's a police officer?! Why have you never told me? He's basically a hero too!"

"Well, I guess I haven't really told anyone except for Bakugou..."

Izuku simply raises an eye brow as the his name slips from your lips.


You chuckle at thought. "Yeah."

The boy besides you lets out a smile and stares back up at the roof.

"You know, I think you could win first place today (Y/n)"


As, you make for the stadium seats to watch Ururaka's next battle, Kirishima's bright red hair immediately catches your attention.

"Kirishima! I'm so so so soooo sorry I missed your battle. Izuku left me with a few cracked bones and I feel awful... But congratulations!"

The boy's soft red eyes gleam at you, what seems to be a happy glow, but he lets out no words before turning them directly down at the stage.

"Please don't be mad Kirishima. I know we all wanted to see you get revenge against Shinsou, and I feel awful."

Kirishima's wrinkled eye brows instantly silence you. His face is precious as he struggles to find the right words in his head, and his eyes wander about, seeking an answer that's not there before he finally opens his mouth.

"I'm not annoyed (Y/n). I've been worrying about you for the past hour."

That sends a sincere smile across your face, and a slight tint of red paints your cheeks.

"I'm as tough as nails. You don't need to worry about me."

"I hope so." He gulps. "Look, I can't take sides and that's why I wasn't going to talk to you, because I can't pick between my friends who I want to win. So all I'm going to say is, please be careful against Bakugou. He's really going to enjoy fighting you, because you're genuine competition even though he won't admit it, which means he'll go out of his way to crush you to prove he's the best."

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