19. Being Brave

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The moon is towering high above you as Aizawa trails besides you towards the campus.

The nurses had given you the all clear as long as you kept track of your pain  as the damage from your meeting with the wall was only minor but could worsen.

The sight of your friend's lights blaring through their windows consumes your stomach with butterflies.

What if I'd never seen them again?

The sensation reminds you of the first day you stepped through the UA gates- Consumed with worrisome thoughts, a stern Aizawa walking with you and 1A waiting ahead.

"As far as anyone knows. Mirio and I were the only ones who took action against the villains. You simply wrapped your arms around Eri to protect her." Your sensei sighs and turns to you.

"What you tell your classmates is your choice." He pauses and averts his eyes from yours.

"You deserve to be here (Y/n). Thank you for protecting Eri." Aizawa turns back to the campus building as you both approach the steps.

All you can do is stare hopelessly at the teacher, shocked and your heart physically hurting.

"It was my pleasure sir." You bow slightly and smile up at him, your eyes beginning to water.

"Sir." You sob before meeting eyes with him. "Was it wrong that I was terrified? I wanted to run, I wanted to abandon everything I've ever wanted. Does that mean I'm not cut out to be a hero?"

Aizawa only examines you and scoffs.

"Fear is what keeps us heroes determined. We want to end the fears of others (Y/n), including our own." Aizawa sighs and makes his way down the steps, leaving you standing at the campus doors.

"Now. If I ever find you being so reckless as to stalk your teacher and an ex-student. I will have you expelled." He growls before slumping his way into the darkness.

A smile creeps onto your face and you swiftly wipe the water from your eyes. The door is the final obstacle, which you open, exhausted and ready to sleep. When it does indeed open, and close behind you, silence consumes the common room, and eyes tear towards you. All you can do is smile at your class who are gathered around the couches, the news playing on the TV and cups and tissues spread across the floor.

"(Y/n)!" Izuku rises to his feet instantly, his green eyes widened and his matching hair a mess.

"Hey guys." You smile, and raise your eye brows, rather unsure what to do next.

All of them are staring at you, and from what you can see, Bakugou, Jirou and Todoroki are the only ones who don't seem to be on the floor.

Mina's bold, black eyes and watered skin catch your attention first. She unravels herself from her blanket and soars across the room, a flailing, sobbing mess. 

You almost stumble back when she wraps her arms around you.

"You crazy human! We were so worried about you!" She wails while slowly suffocating you in her squeeze.

"I'm fine, but your making the bruises sting a little Mina." You laugh, to which she immediately lets go and smiles.

Kirishima's flat, messy red hair catches your attention as he waits patiently behind Mina who continues to ramble. Each of them notice your scorched wrist and their gazes grow sad. 

"Kirishima hasn't smiled once since Izuku told us what happened and where you were... and Bakugou."

As Mina steps away, both Kirishima's drained, red eyes and your own, turn to the stairs as a creaking sound echoes throughout the room. As though called, Bakugou steps off of the step before instantly stopping at the sight of your unkempt hair, your wrist, your band aid and the black patches under your eyes.

"Fucking hell." He states coldly, almost angrily. "You made it back you strong piece of shit." He growls, walking towards you, Mina and Kirishima.

You only smile, the water under your eyes growing to compete with Mina's. When the blond finally stops in front of you, your body moves before you can think.

You wrap your hands around his waist, dive your head into his shoulder and squeeze, any common sense, abandoning you completely.

He freezes at the sensation, and tenses more when you begin to speak.

"I was so damn terrified I'd lose you all." You say, your voice soft and dry.

Bakugou's first instinct is to shove you away, despite the warmth that consumes him as you squeeze at the back of his singlet, but when he turns to Kirishima and Mina, they shake their heads and put out their hands to signal him to let it happen.

The whole class stares at you both, smiles on their faces.

"Alright Red Ass. Times up. Kirishima needs a hug more than you do." Bakugou growls, trying to stay calm, before you unravel your arms, your eyes still closed.

Like a robot, you spin around and wrap your arms around Kirishima.
"I'm so sorry Kirishima." You whisper as you hug him.

He places his hand on your back and peers down at you, before you let go.
"Its good to know you're okay" He smiles before turning to the class.

"Now you've got to tell us what happened."

So, you tell them. Every true detail pours from your lips, except why you were in that part of town in the first place. You tell them about Eri and Dabi and Toga, and how Mirio took down the villain making the barrier.

They oooh and ah, and shiver at the thought of your pain. Izuku expresses how sorry he wasn't there for you and you only smile at your class mates.

"I had to make sure I came back to kick your butts in the exams." You laugh deviously before standing up.

Mass mayhem breaks out at your comment, but you only make your way to the stairs.

"I really need some rest guys. I'll see you in the morning in class." You smile and lots of goodnights come your way, but Bakugou walks towards you.

"I want to talk to you." He says quietly, his hands in his pocket. You only nod and turn up the stairs, signalling for him to walk with you.

When you step into the hallway, you still walk in the direction to your room, Bakugou following you.

"How bad did they screw you up?" He says, still with his nonchalant attitude.

"Not too much. I just need to watch that I don't have a concussion." You laugh it off and smile at him.

"I'll still beat you in the exams. Don't stress."

His red eyes almost bulge out of his head and you both stop at your door.

"Fucking try NERD!"

He grows quiet as you unlock your door, and only notices the tear at the back of your shirt and the scrapes under it and along your neck.

When you turn back to him, his soft red eyes catch you off guard and you smile sleepily.

"Hey Bakugou." You say quietly, gazing down at the floor.

"It's important I got back tonight. That's why I'm here." You say casually and turn into your room, only to leave Bakugou confused, and kind of angry in the hallway.

Tomorrows important...

Flames {Reader x Bakugou}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ