7.His smile and her glare

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You pull your head from the buzz of the weekend as you step through the familiar, giant 1A door.  Slowly, but surely, you're getting used to walking out of your door and into UA High. Heck, it is UA!  How could anyone get so used to it so fast?

(Y/n)... You've been here for two months.

Shut up logical half of my brain.

When you step into the class room, Midoriya's innocent, contemplating face greets you. He's in one of his thinking moments, where he itches at his head, and mumbles to himself. Being the one who gets to pull him out of his thoughts is always a priceless moment.

"Whatta ya buggering on about now?" You laugh as you pull a chair up beside his desk, your school bag, still sitting contently on your shoulders.

Midoriya sits up straight and his cheeks are painted a fiery red colour. The crinkle between his eyebrow disappears and his shocked eyes meet yours.

"Oh! Morning (Y/n)"

"Morning mate"

His eyes tear away from you and he shuffles his feet mildly, clearly embarrassed. He's so innocent!

"I-I was trying to work out how to ask.. you know who, to hang out with me sometime. Off campus, I mean" He lets out, his voice clearly more nervous, and high pitched than usual.


He nods, his face growing even more red at the mention of her name. You're the only ones in the room, so it is safe to talk about the subject of Ururaka. Since she was the one he'd physically admitted he'd like a little while back.

A giant grin spreads across your face, and you wiggle your eyebrows at him.

"Don't give me that look" He rubs at the back of his head and smiles sheepishly at you.

The thought of Ururaka sends shivers down your spine. Why does she not like me? She seems so nice to everyone else.

"I did have one idea"

The boy's voice grows even quieter, but his expression catches you off guard. His eyebrows are raised and his innocent eyes are peering up at you, clearly wanting something. His head is still faced towards the floor, but you can see his intent already.

"I-" You begin to speak but are cut off by his pleading.

"Please hang out with Iida, Uraraka and I!" He yells, his eyes begging. "It'll be more normal if its a group hang out!"

You eyes widen at the idea. And you avert to rubbing your head awkwardly.

"Uhhh, I don't-" You  begin to speak again.

"I know, you're really polite" He begins. "You don't like to intrude, but you're my friend and they're my friends. So I don't see the issue. I'll invite Kirishima and-" He gulps. "Kaccan if you'd like."

His eyes turn to yours and you're  immediately filled with guilt. His green eyes are physically sparkling, his freckled cheeks are pushed up with his sheepish, saddened smile. Not a sign of happiness sits on it.

"Y- Yeah I'll go." The words come out without a second thought. You can't  resist Midoriya's innocent face. As simple as that. "I'll ask Kirishima if Bakugou and him would like to come along." You smile, mirroring his previous shy one.

A soft smile returns to his lips and it makes you feel slightly more content. Damn it Izuku.

A loud thudding noise rings through the door, catching you both off gaurd. You spin your body around to see Bakugou stepping through the door.

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