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The sight of red greets you the next morning as you walk the usual path towards class. The source is one you can't help but smile at.


You wave gently at the boy clumsily running towards you. The smile on his gentle face is difficult not to mimic.

"Morning Kirishima."

The red headed boy gleams back at you, slowing to walk along the path.

"Morning sweaty head." He wiggles his eyebrows.

You wipe your scalp self-consciously at his words and chuckle.

"Training tends to do that."

"I can tell. Sure Bakugou doesn't just make ya hot and sweaty?" His already usual eyebrow raises signal to his intent.

"Why would he?" You reply, perplexed by his words.

"Never mind. Not my place." He smiles awkwardly as we reach the 1A door. The moment it swings open, silence fills the air.

The feeling of your jaw dropping is mimicked by Kirishima.

"What the-"

A slight squeal escapes Kaminari and his pleading voice follows.

"Kiri, bro! Can you get him off of me! You're his friend!"

Faces turn to you both as you stare at the sight before you. Bakugou's hand is pressed up against Kaminari and a wild smile plays on his lips.

"I dare you to make another joke Pikachu. You'll die, I can promise you that and I'll enjoy it."

Kirishima quickly slides across the classroom, dropping his bag from his shoulder before he reaches his hand out towards Bakugou's shoulder. He's greeted by small explosions bursting from the blonde boy's hand.

"Its alright. The moron's got the idea in his dunce head." Bakugou scoffs as he plants himself at his desk.

Aizawa's voice soon takes charge. "Alright class. Today we will be doing something a little more enjoyable than written work. We will be competing against class 1B to test each of our progress and practice for the Sports Festival"

What was that about?


Your legs shuffle across the floor while your hands clutch around your stomach.

Damn it. Being a girl sucks dog balls.

Izuku's familiar, plain, green hair catches you eyes as he walks alongside Kaminari, each of them in their hero outfits.


He quickly turns his head around and his precious smile follows. In kindness, his legs stop and he waits patiently as you make your way toward him.

"Hey (Y/n)"

"Morning." You pause and glance toward Kaminari who's already made his way out of sight and around the corner. "This is random, but what was the mayhem I walked into this morning?"

Right to the point. Can't you be polite (Y/n)?

Midoriya smiles his uncomfortable smile and his cheeks go ever so red. A gulp clearly swells up in the boy's throat. "Well..."

His hand makes for his head and a chuckle follows. "Kaminari and Mineta were talking about um- Their usual stuff I guess. Until they brought you up ."

You raise an eyebrow slightly. When you hear the pervs have been talking about you- That's never a good sign.

"Go on."

Flames {Reader x Bakugou}Where stories live. Discover now