25. An old friend and New stories

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As the next three weeks pass, you adjust to not having Bakugou yell at your face, something you oddly looked forward to laughing about on most occasions. Training with him stops and you find yourself delving into studies far more often.

Kirishima tends to end up sitting with you and scribbles on his assignments.

If it isn't clear, Bakugou hasn't spoken to either of you since he'd pinned you to the wall and well... Screamed in your face.

"So, what are you studying Kirishima?" You smile as you peer over to his drawing scribbled in the bottom corner of his page. 

You force out a small laugh at the sight of a muscly unicorn and Kirishima smiles slightly.

"I'm supposed to be doing math. "

"Then let's get the math done man." You say halfheartedly and open his textbook for him.

"Yeah. Alright." He mumbles, sitting up straight and pulling a pencil from his bag.

He hasn't been the same without his best friend...

Neither have you...

Your eyes glance to the clock stationed on the common room wall as Kirishima finally begins his work and you smile sheepishly at him.

"I know. You gotta go." He smiles and glances up at Mina who is creeps out from the staircase.

"Mina said she'll study with me when 12 o'clock comes round anyway. Have fun." He smiles as you pack your backpack and make for the door.

"Thanks mate. See you later." You turn to Mina and smile. "See ya Mina".

She's been working non stop in attempt to repay Kirishima for the truth or dare game and its been rather humorous to both of you seeing her so sweet.


Despite the recent events, you're smiling at the thoughts of where you're going. That smile is returned as you approach a lark, a few streets down from UA.

A familiar boy with lime green hair and rounded black classes waves at you from the park.

Sora Mikiyori, the top student from your previous school who you competed for Midnight's attention against who is of course a close friend.

He quickly rises to his feet and pulls you into a hug when you reach him.

"Damn it. UA has already made you look tougher." He laughs before stepping back and meeting your eyes.

"Its good to see you Mikiyori." You let out, gazing up at his man bun and smiling.

Together you sit down at the park bench, catching one another up on all that has happened since the start of the year. He tells you about his relocation into the hero course at his school, and how he envies you immensely. While you brag about your first place in the exams, your run in with the villains, the experience of the UA sports festival, and of course, your new friends.

He lets out a scoff, before turning to the park and smiling.

"I watched you fight you know. It was magnificent. To think, you're friends with the the guy who won and the over powered blowy up guy. When you and him battled for fourth spot, damn it was impressive."

"Yeah." You smile at the thought of competing against Bakugou.

"Sooo..." Mikiyori turns to you, a grin on his face. "Have any of these heroic men won your heart yet?"

At his question, your face immediately is tinted red and you're eyes dart towards your green haired friend.

"Why does everyone think that?!"

Mikiyori grins at you're new demeanor.

"So which one is it?" He protests, leaning forward, examining your pinkened state.

"None of them."

"I reckon it's the blond one. He's your type." You tense at the thought and immediately your eyes dart towards the ground.

"He's not even talking to me." You mumble, your face suddenly saddening and the pink fading away.

"Huh?" Mikiyori turns to you, realizing he's struck a nerve.

Your eyes trail to the grass, where ants crawl through the soil, so stressed and occupied, trailing alongside one another.

"(Y/n), I know we haven't talked in a while, but you can tell me."

Your eyes meet Mikiyori's and they grow glassy. You'd been trying so hard for Kirishima to keep it together, but what Bakugou had said to you, and the fact you miss him overwhelms you as your friends gentle grey eyes gleam down at you.

"He shoved me to the wall and told me to stop talking to him... I think he thinks I'm hiding that I'm dating Kirishima when I'm not."

Mikiyori immediately grips at your shoulder.

"And he reacted that badly?"

You nod gently.

"You're so naive (Y/n)" He sighs and ruffles your hair.

You crease your eyebrows at his words and question your friend. "What's that supposed to mean"

Mikiyori instantly raises his hands defensively and rises to his feet.

"You know what you have to do right?"

You're curious gaze meets his and he smiles.

"Make him listen."

With that, Mikiyori reaches out his hand and smiles.

"Lets get some Ice cream. That makes you women feel better"


As both of you head towards the Ice cream store, your gaze still remains on the floor.

You want to enjoy your time with Mikiyori, but one question keeps distracting you. 

How can I get Bakugou out of my head?

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