15. I'm not your problem

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"H-Hey Bakugou." You mumble, your eyes meeting his red, scarlet stare and black outfit.

Immediately, you have the urge to read his thoughts but decide against it. Instead, you grip at your wrist and let the blond boy judge you from afar. 

You can feel the overwhelming heat gnaw at your cheeks, and the slowly growing singe of red creeping up on them.

Bakugou however, stands frozen in front of you, his eyes analysing the sight before him.

The tight red pants, the boots that make your legs look a tinge longer, the shape of your chest bring him to almost whisper his next insult.

"Guess you do have a fun side." He smiles demonically, covering the slight shade on his face.

Your eyes almost bulge from your head at his sentence. "I-I. Let me explain." You groan, pulling yourself to your feet.

You begin to babble about the hang out, how Bakugou was no where to be seen and the stupid clothes picking game, all the while Bakugou's eyes trail to the bubbly shape of your body. You'd never wear clothes like this, despite how well it suits you.

"Look, I'm sorry I bumped into you. I'll get out of your hair" You pull the bag in your arms off of the floor, and graze your body past the blonde, bumping  his shoulder and pulling him from his daze.

"Red ass. It's nearly dark." He states bluntly, turning to you.


"You'll get fucking kidnapped." He growls, clearly sick of stating the obvious to you.

"No I won't moron. I'll be fine." You roll your eyes, still blushing profusely. Honestly, every moment Bakugou sees you in your current attire, makes you want to curl up in a ball.

"In that you will, you fucking shit!" He yells, looking at your figure again, before stepping besides you.

You glance up at the boy before quickly turning your attention to the floor.

"Bakugou. I honestly don't want you to see me so, well... stupid. It's embarrassing and I know I won't hear the end of it from you" You mumble as you scratch at the back of your head.

The explosive boy simply stares down at your vulnerable figure and has the urge to do what he aspires to do so well... Be a hero.

"Shut up. You only look as stupid as usual, except you'll make idiotic men horny left, right and center now. So I'm going to walk with you back to campus so you don't fucking die." He tilts your head up, his violent red eyes meeting yours. "Got that Red Ass?"

And with that, the blond boy slides his hands into his pocket and begins in the direction of UA. While you, the blubbering, blushing mess, stumble in attempt to catch up.

And a funny thought pops into your head as you do. I wonder if he noticed the red pants.

As, you trail alongside Bakugou, the queries in your stomach slowly begin to fade. Neither of you speak a word, but somehow, you still enjoy each other's company.

When you turn to him, you admire his new found relaxed state. He's not wearing a scowl or a terrifying smile. He simply looks normal.

"Quit staring would ya?" He mumbles, still keeping his eyes straight ahead and his nonchalant demeanor in tact.

You quickly turn your head straight again and swallow your guilt slightly.
"Sorry" You squeak.

Bakugou turns down to you and rolls his eyes.

"Stop being so damn jumpy. You look fine." He growls.

A slight breath escapes you at his words and you smile.

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