44. Waking Up

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A tingling warmth dances across your skin as sunlight peaks through the window. Shadow and light are scattered across the floor. It gives you a sense of nostalgia as the first day of waking up at UA pops into your head.

Wow. That feels like it was so long ago.

You hear your heavy breaths blow into the pillow, and feel your body encased in a blanket. So warm.

Gently, you pull it off of yourself, glancing around the room you had almost forgotten you were in. Blue curtains, medical equipment, a TV and some of your own things are scattered across the room. The dull colour of the hospital has your eyes immediately drawn to the bold red besides you.


The note placed next to them catches your attention too. The messy handwriting sprawled across the paper is all too familiar.

'Thought the red suited you Red Ass.'

You smile slightly before rubbing at your eyes to wake up. Your body still aches, inside and out. The past few days have been a blur. You're not sure if you've woken up. You think you have, but you can't quite remember what happened if you did. Then as if it is like someone turns on a switch, everything returns to you. 

What had happened that night...

"Katsuki..." You murmur. 

Your fingers run across your lips for a mere second. Then you laugh. A genuine laugh leaves your lip, a giddy, and honest shriek. Then you let out an awkward cough, covering up your excitement.

Did that really happen?
He kissed me...
I kissed him.


"But what happened afterwards?

Immediately, you toss the blanket to the side, leap from the bed and make a sprint for the door.


Did everyone leave alive? Bakugou must be okay if he left me the flowers. But what if he's injured. And what about the heroes? What about Olly?

You grasp at the handle with a sweaty hand and tear at the door. You fly into the canvas white hallway, your eyes darting across every inch of it with the hope to see someone yo know. Your own heart beat echoes through your throat, and you can feel the dizziness of getting up too fast. The white hallway fades in and out like a buffering video, and your body feels heavy. And at that perfect moment, a woman in a white robe and quaint hat appears through your blurry vision. 

"Oh my! Sweetie, are you alright?" The nurse says, quickly shuffling over to you. 

"Olly. Where is Olly? Or Katsuki?" You let out, trying to make direct eye contact with the woman in front of you. 

"Please dear. Sit back down. I can help you, you just need-"

You flop into a chair against the wall. 

"Where are they?" You try not to sound demanding, but all you can think about is the idea that someone didn't make it. 

She lets out a sigh and places a hand to your forehead, feeling its warmth. "Olly is in the room across from you. He is fine. A young, sweet green haired boy has been visiting him regularly" You let out a breath you hadn't realised you were keeping in. "As for the angry teenager. He's been the one checking up on you." The nurse smiles as you both feel the temperature in your face increase at her words. 

"And my parents?"

"They're probably down stairs" She replies. 

"What about Endeavour?"

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