31. Confessions

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Your constant walking back of fourth across your room begins to frustrate even you. You're face is a dishevelled mess and your heart is in a similar state as you mutter under your breath.

The thought of being in Bakugou's arms creeps back into your head. The image of him in his suit, and with his slicked hair, you being in his arms, swaying gently, potentially taking off thos clo-

"Ahh!" Your face grows a fierce red at the thought and you topple onto your bed as you let out confused sobs.

Last night was something youcould never forget. It sent butterflies theoughyour stomach, and made your heart race. It made you smile and caused you to become nervous all at once.

What did he feel though?

You sigh slightly before sitting up straight and glancing around your room, smiling at the photos of you and your family, the Hawks poster on your wall and the small things that decirated the room.

Your phone vibrates in your pocket violently and your immediately pulled from your daze.

Mina's name shows up on the screen, a little message below it.

Photo attack!

Instanly, downloadable files pour through of all of last nights finascos. Photos of Mina and Shouto, your 1A classmates and photos you'd taken with many of them before the night ended are quickly saved to your gallery. You giggle at the one you and Kirishima had dragged Bakugou into.

"That'll go on my wall." You chuckle.

When your eyes fall on Bakugou, you can't help but admire the picturefor a little longer before tossing your phone into bd, and once again face planting into your pillows, letting out sobs.

"Damn it Katsuki! What have you done to me?" You wail dramatically.

At those words, a knocking blares through your room and you stand up quicker than a meerkat on guard.

Oh no. Did they hear me?

Your feet shuffle towards the door and you gulp slightly when you unlock the wooden protection.

When your head peeks around, your met by Kirishima's sweet yet obnoxious smile.

"Morning (Y/n)" He chirps, stepping through the door and letting himself in.

"Morning" You reply sheepishly.

"Was that Bakugou I heard you sobbing about." He smiles cheesily, sitting on your bed.

"Pffft me? No." You mumble, trying your hardest to maintain an innocent face.

Kirishima raises an eyebrow before scrolling through his phone and holding it up to you.

"You sure? Because I wouldn't blame you after last night."

Your eyes fall upon a photo of you and Bakugou, wrapped in each others arms, dancing.

"Kirishima!" You yell as he swipes the phone back into his pocket.

"How did- I-!" You begin.

The red headed boy is quick to rise to his feet and interupt you.

"I know last time I suggested anything, you were annoyed, but I don't think yph should hide your feelings (Y/n)"

You laugh manically at his words and begin for the door "What feelings? I don't have feelings that have anything to do with Katsuki."

"The ehy are you blushing?" Kirishima smiles, following you teasingly out of your dorm.

"I have training to do!" You yell, speed walking down the hall.

"With Bakugouuuu?" He chimes and you immediately freeze at his words.

Oh my god. I can't train with Katsuki. He'll quite litterally watch me melt into a puddle.

"By myself today." You conclude, taking note to go out the front door, not that back door.

"Now, Kirishima. You mean so much to me, but stop being a pain!" You growl, stepping in the elevator and letting the door close before Kirishima steps in.

He smiles teasingly still as the door are closed before him. "I'll send you the photos! Don't stress!"

You sigh as the noise of the outside world is blocked out and you reach the bottom floor. Usually you would take the stairs, but this seemed like a good plan to escape Kirishima.

When the doors open, yet again, a teasing grin meets your eyes.

"Don't you say it." You groan, smiling slightly as Izuku follows you to the kitchen.

"I've got nothing to say." He says defensively, stopping when you reach for a bottle of water from the fridge.

You raise an eyebrow at his silence, and you simply stare at one another for a moment before you speak.


Izuku ruffles his hair at his tone but still opens his mouth. "But if I did have something to say, I would ask about how your night with Kaccan was?" He grins.

"Goodbye Izuku" You groan and are quick to step out the front door.

For the entirety of the day from the moment you step back onto the dorms, Kirishima and Izuku find ways to frustrate you. Sometimes they just sit their with you, as though they are waiting.

Izuku had helped you make lunch, while Kirishima questioned you with your q-cards you made to study. He of coarse threw in the occassional question to do with a certain blond friend.

Each of them had sat with you outside while you were relaxing and both of them grinned deviously at you in the halls. They help you clean, open doors for you. Wait at the seats for you.

Eventually all three of you find yourself sitting on the couch, the news about a hero attack in Hosu, playing on the screen. Both Izuku and Kirishima don't turn their gaze to you, sjmply stare at the screen while your fingers fiddle and you bite at your lips.

"Alright you win!"

Both of your friends smile softly before turning to you.

"What do we win (Y/n)?" Kirishima teases.

Your eyes glance around the common room, making sure no one is in sight.

"I- I think I like Bakugou. And I mean alot. It's got my stomach in knots and-" Your head collapses onto Kirishina's shoulders and you let out dramatic sobs.

"I don't know what to do."

"I think just tell Kaccan" Izuku chimes in, his gleaming green eyes gazing down at you.

Your face is an extreme red as you smile sheepishly up at him.

Tell him! Ha!

"Izuku. This is Bakugou we'retalking about. You can't just tell him things!"

"Did I hear my name?"

All three of you, Kirishima, Izuku and yourself tense at the sound of Bakugou's voice echoing across the room as he appears at the bottom of the stairs.

"Nope!" You all chime in unison.

Your eyes meet the red gaze of Bakugou's and he smiles at the sight of your blushing before letting out a scoff and planting himself besides you all.

"What's up with you losers?" He growls.

"Nothing!" You all chime yet again.

Damn it Katsuki... What do I do?

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