32. As Heavy as Metal

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Having a crush is such a perculiar thing. Its an aboslutely magical feeling, that sends you smiling constantly, but tears at your emotions and rips at your stomach. Its cruel, and a gift all at once.

It's weird sensation for you, that's for sure.

Each time you find yourself near Bakugou, you struggle to talk to him after confessing your feelings about the unforgettable boy to Kirishima and Izuku. A mistake you have already grown to regret. His enchanting red eyes, leave you stuttering and making excuses to avoid him, the opposite intended effect.

A deep sigh escapes you as your hand reaches for the door handle of your dorm.

However, before the door is pushed open, a knocking pounds across it, the noise startling and sending you stumbling back on the floor.

When your eyes indeed flutter open, the door is pushed open, gently stopping on your foot.

Your eyes widen at the sight and your hand immediately begins rubbing at the back of your head.

"Morning Katsuki" You chuckle, smiling awkwardly up at him.

"I need to talk to you." He growls, ignoring you and your shaken state.

"School's going to start in about twenty minutes though?"

Before Bakugou replies, his hand tears out, two small pieces of paper laced between his fingers and his scowl growing deeper. Its clear, he ignored you.

"I've got two tickets to that band you played on your phone the other night. You wanna go with me or not?"

The pieces of paper are of golden colour, and glow a glistening sparkle.
In cursive, their lies the name of your favourite metal band.

"What?! How'd you get these?! They sold out like three weeks ago..." Your eyes shimmer as your eyes trail across the letters.

"Birthday present from my mum." He growls, replaying the day in his head.

As though it finally hits you, your body tenses, glancing between the two tickets.

"J- Just you and I?" You stutter, the question making your lips quiver.

"Nah moron. I only have two tickets and I'm going to bring more people." He sighs before placing the ticket in your hand. "If we're being bloody honest, Kirishima was my first preference, but he can't go."

"But why me?"

As though caught of guard, Bakugou is quick to rise to his feet. "Because Kirishima said I fucking owe you after everything."

At his words, your grip on the tickets tighten.

"After school then? We'll catch the bus?" You smile up at him, grinning hopelessly.

"Whatever Red Ass." He rolls his eyes before stepping out of your dorm, and slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

As soon as the door closes, your eyes are cast down to the ticket and your cheeks grow a profuse red.

"Ahhh! Yes! Yes! Yes!" A dancing figure appears in the mirror as you smile at yourself, struggling to concentrate getting ready for school.

School in fact, would turn out to be a relentless battle to concentrate as the teachers words grew to mush and board notes all appeared to be the band's and Bakugou's name in little hearts. You would even end up slapping yourself on multiple ocassions, ranting about how stupid crushes are and how important school is.

Shinsou is the first to giggle at the sight of you mummbling endless nothings to yourself in the hallway.

"Afternoon (Y/n)" He scratches at the back of his head, resisting laughing in front of you.

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