1. Where My Future Lies

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The feeling of the ground below your feet is foreign, strange, and so completely perfect. This is where you'd yearned to be, where every young person dreams of being. The walls that stare back at you are those that are home to so many great stories, lessons and legends. I'll become one of those legends.

The determination flows through your blood whilst you run across the pavement, with your legs moving as fast as they can, and a suitcase dragging behind you. Both it and yourself bounce clumsily across the pavement, but you're not slowing down, no way in hell.

This is where you are going to determine who who you will be- What kind of legacy your name will hold.

At UA high school...

The giant logo sits proud and high above you for the world to see, and god it makes anyone feel tingly inside. You can't help but smile as you gaze up at it, the yellow, enchanting letters peering back down at you, clearly proud of its enchanting presence.

All of this is for good reason too. UA High is the most elite of schools. If you go here, you have a reputation to live up to and name that would be known- Especially for those who strive to be heroes.


You're snapped out of your daze as a rusty, dull voice meets your ears. 

"I am Shouta Aizawa. You'll be seeing my face more than you'd like for the next couple of years if you're lucky. Now, if you'd follow me please."

Before you get to speak a word, the man before you spirals around and begins towards the school with his shoulders slumped over and his clearly exhausted legs moving unexpectedly swiftly.

His hair is long, black and unkempt as it drapes over his back. Around his neck, a tape like scarf dangles, twisting and spiraling in the wind. But who is he? I didn't even get a glance of his face.

As the black figure begins to fade in the slowly disappearing sun, you hurry towards him. He's not wasting any time.

"Excuse me sir. Are you a teacher here?" 

For a moment, you think he hadn't heard you because he keeps his eyes fixed in front of him and his back facing you, but a slight sigh soon escapes him. "I teach class 1A. I'm sure you've heard of all their mishaps on the news." He mumbles. Whether or not he is being sarcastic or unenthusiastic is hard to tell.

"Yes of coarse! They did incredibly  well in the sports festival last year. And their was the USG attack." You pause. "Does that mean you're eraser head... Crikies. Its an pleasure to-"

His lifeless voice cuts you  off.

"Save your words for your classmates. You're going to need them." He pauses and sighs once again. "You will be in my class for the next two years. You need to understand it is incredibly  rare for a student to be enrolled in the hero course during the second year and I disagreed with it completely."

His words slice through you. Ouch. First day and my teacher is already expressing his disappointment in me.

He tosses you a slight glare. You don't think it's just a glare though. His head views you slyly from top to bottom as though examining you "However, I cannot deny the fact you seem capable from what the board have shown me"

"Thank you si-"

"I'm not finished." He pauses once again. "If you do not manage to succeed among the 1A students in my class. I will however, have no issue expelling you."

"I understand." And with that, you both grow silent as you walk through the school grounds.

When you think about it, you'd say you're fairly used to taking orders. You've always prided yourself on respect and hard work. That could be why you made it into UA hero course. You know what needs to be done to thrive and triumph. That includes listening and learning from my teachers. Especially those belonging to UA.

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