6.The Not So Lonely Loner

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After the bus trip, you realize how much you've been struggling to make friends. Sure, you get along with people like Kirishima or Hagakure, and Midoriya is your friend, but you don't really have anyone to sit with at lunch, and you don't have anyone to study with after school and you don't have anyone to pair up with in partner activities. Its been a month already damn it.

You say hi. You say good morning. You say goodnight and you crack a few jokes or laugh at a few. But still, you're just a classmate. The realization is slowly catching up with you.

Your fingers are wrapped around your tray with a bottle of water, and a bowl full of spaghetti sitting contently on top. The cafeteria really have some great food. The smell could drive anyone absolutely wild. In the line people are deciding what to have and their eyes examine the food intently. They could pick a hot dog or cakes, healthy goodies, tacos or anything else in the alphabet from A to Z!

Your enthusiasm dies when you turn back to the tables outside. People are laughing or cackling, while others are sitting next to one another, simply enjoying a friends company. The students look so excited in their grey uniforms and red ties, sitting together.

However, that lonely table in the corner looks in need of company!

You drag yourself in the direction of the corner, until a familiar voice echoes across the cafateria.

"(Y/n)! Hey!"

You tilt your body around, glancing across the room searching for the source. A blur of flesh and green catches your attention.

Midoriya is waving, his green eyes glowing and his unforgettable smile beaming across the room at you.

Besides him sits Iida and... you gulp at the pair of brown, furious eyes glaring back at you. Ururaka.

You give a quick wave, smile and swivel your body around before stepping out into the fresh air. Your legs speed walk towards the table.

I can't sit with them. Ururaka would hate it and I think she already hates me enough. Why though?

For the next seven days, you find yourself sitting at the corner table, alone, contently enjoying a book, a tea and whatever food you get from the cafeteria. The best heroes don't need friends. They dedicate themselves to hard work. They are strong and knowledgeable, keeping their goals in mind always.

Who am I kidding? I'm just a loner.

You half laugh and half sob at your own thoughts. A sigh escapes you in that momeng as you send your head plopping down in the pages of the book in front of me.

Mumbled words follow you sigh. "Lift is equal to coefficient multiplied by density times velocity squared over two and-"

"Shut up. You being a nerd is bloody annoying."

You almost jump as your head goes flying up in the direction of the voice and yout mind is pulled from the lift equation. Mate, my poor little heart.

"Play nice man. We're here to give her some company."

The familiar voices, make you immediately smile. Kirishima is holding a tray in his hand full of lots of food while his shining, snow white teeth glow down at you. How can someone have such white teeth?

Beside him, Bakugou is already placing himself on the other side of the table. His tie is loosely wrapped around his neck and his school blazer is lazily slung over his shoulder. That means he only has his white, button shirt on display. And since they're short sleeved...

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