5.How It Came to Be

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The entirety of your school had woken up that day, with smiles on their faces and determination waiting to burst from out of them. You were all finally going to be able to show someone who cared, what you were made of -What your quirks could do.

In fact, that person you could show off to, was something alone to send your stomachs in knots. Midnight.

Midnight is a pro hero today, known for her impressive sleeping gas quirk and her incredibly alluring body. But, you students saw her as someone we needed to impress, because she taught at the most elite school in the country. UA.

At the start of that year, you'd already received the chance to attend UA, and you had never been so damn happy in your life to be honest. You mean, who wouldn't be after being recommended into UA-freakin High!?

You turned down the offer.

Why? Well, that's where things become complicated. Yout father was, and still is, a police offer. He's the reason you strive to be a hero, why you've always strived to be a hero and just before the year started, he was injured. And you don't mean a scrape on the knee and put a bandaid over it, you mean injured. The kind of injured that includes pulling out twelve knifes from your chest, enduring six operations and half a years worth of hospital bed time.

A Villain had got him. Some low life thug, the kind that would be lackies, sent to do little jobs. But he'd still got your dad...

All of the mess had sent your mother half insane. She'd visited him, but struggled to do so. She would come back from the hospital, her eyes, dead, the once familiar pink glow in them, burnt out and her palms would be filled with scratches. That was her nervous thing, scratching you mean.

You'd go through your usual routine. You'd have tea ready and a welcoming hug. That would be it. She'd rest after that and you'd just be there, talking to her for most of the day until she fell asleep.

You couldn't leave her. UA was too far and you didn't trust mum to- well... manage. Your dreams could break her and you knew that. So you sent the email to UA- The email that would torture you for the entirety of your first year in high school.

To whom this may concern,

I am grateful for my acceptance...

The words after that were complete bullshit up until the last sentence at least.

Thank you, and it pains me to have to send this. I wish UA luck with the schooling year.


You'd sent that damn email and your chances of becoming a hero flew away through the send button.

Now, your story isn't some lame sad, sappy bullshit novel. It just started with a downfall in your life. It was the kind of common risk in the line of duty, your father had warned you about, so, you sucked it up and attended your first year... in a general studies course, close to home.

Your school year was full of you sighing at the sight of the TV when the UA first years were on. You never told your mum or dad that you'd gotten into UA even when they talked about how you wanted to be a hero, or about the breaking news on the TV about another 1A student.

You just watched, talked and prepared for the next day in your general studies course. Until the day Midnight arrived...

You'd jogged to school, you bag dangling over your shoulder and your heart pumping too fast for the rest of your poor body to process. You were already in your sports uniform when you stepped into the school Gym, following behind other students in your year. I can still be a hero!

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