38. The Retrieval

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Sternly, and decisively, Bakugou's gaze glances over the papers sprawled before him.

"This is the plan?" He scoffs, turning his attention to the large man besides him.

Endeavour, with his similar expression, nods a strong nod.

"Look kid. I know you won't like it, but it's our only option without risking her life"

Bakugou doesn't move his gaze from Endeavour for a few moments, processing the severity of his words. Clenching his fists, he slumps into the chair, pulling the papers toward him with his free hand and re-reading the words sprawled across the page.

"What if it's a trap?" Bakugou's voice is strong and clear.

"It will be" Are the few words Endeavour replies with, sitting across from Bakugou. "But that's the risk when you're a pro."

The plan his eyes glaze over is a simple one. They take the deal to trade a greater quirk (Endeavour's) for you in return. Endeavour is to arrive alone with one other person, and hand himself over to the villains. He will have a tracker surgically implanted in his skin, and if they take him, the heroes will be able to find him quickly, decisively, and with haste. Ideally, if the villains go against their word, they will find you wherever they take Endeavour.

"What if they work it out."

"Then I might just die trying to save a young girl who's life was worth it" He nods sternly, to which Bakugou growls in return.

"It won't come to that"


The night sky is littered with an onslaught of glistening light. The stars shine down as Bakugou sits in wait at the UA steps. His eyes remain fixed on them.

Will she ever get to see something like this again?

As the thought crosses his mind, a tight grip at Bakugou's shoulder causes his eyes to dart beside him. Kirishima's soft smile immediately sets him at ease. The red head sits at the steps, his hero uniform catching Bakugou off guard. Then, beside him, sits Midoriya, his green uniform sending Bakugou's eyebrows creasing. The blond boy quickly turns his gaze behind him where Ururaka, Todoroki, and Tokoyami stand tall in their hero suits.

"What the hell is this?" Bakugou growls .

Kirishima lets out a soft chuckle. "The heroes want us by your side and their side when we save Endeavour and (Y/n)"

"We'll get her back" Midoriya says confidently, glancing to the stars also.

"We wait for the location change on the tracker and then we end these villains" Bakugou answers.

Both Midoriya and Bakugou give each other a strong nod.


Endeavour's faint glow and strong build stands strong as he walks through the darkness of a backstreet alleyway, behind him, Hawks follows. Te bird hero's eyes are keen on his surroundings as he follows behind the number one hero ahead of him.

"Remember Hawks. No funny business. Get out the moment they show any sign of not trading up the girl." Endeavour orders.

"I have to fight. Otherwise they will suspect something"

Endeavour only gives his friend a momentary glance before nodding.

Each of them turn their attention away from one another a moment after this, with the howl of the wind, a voice echoes through the air. The pair of heroes step out into the darkness, the glow of the moon adorning the open sight they step onto. It looks as though construction has been taking place behind factories.

"So. You give us the number one hero for a high school girl? Does it give you a selfish satisfaction Endeavour? Do you feel good about yourself?"

The voice is shrill, croaky, and familiar...

"Shigaraki of the league of villains." Hawks lets out.

"The one and only" He says, his figure appearing out from the shadows across the other side of the construction sight. His arms are open confidently, introducing his appearance boldly, an evil smiling playing on his lips while his voice is monotone and dry.

Endeavour immediately makes his way to the centre of the construction sight, signalling for Hawks to stay where he stands.

"Do you have the girl?" The number one hero booms across the empty space, his fist clenched and his eyes sternly locked with the villain leader.

"Yes yes." The league of Villain leader mumbles, turning back the the shadows he emerged from. "I'm afraid Dabi couldn't make it" is what follows.

As he speaks, a man made of a swaying purple clutter of darkness known well as Kirogiri, steps out of the alleyway. Then, a sight that send Hawks eyes widening comes into view. Immediately this leads to him stepping forward quickly.

"Stay where you are damn it." Endeavour orders, his voice clearly agitated as his fists clench, his eyes on the sight also.

From the shadows, you step out slowly, a soft, forced smile painted on your lips as you glance to Hawks. His worry is warming. Your pace is slow and Endeavour can't help but look at you; the scars that line your cheeks, the bruises spread across your arms, the blood that seeps through your uniform, and the slight shaking of your body as you near them.

"I hope she is worth your number one hero. "

Shigaraki put his arms out, signalling toward the alleyway on his side. Endeavour is instructed to follow. The man's face is cold and unforgettable. He looks to be a man who has prepared for every possible outcome.

As Endeavour makes his way past you, he glances to your frail state for a moment, creasing his eyebrows and letting out a whisper. "It'll be alright."

After that, Hawks is given the nod to be allowed to approach you. Quickly, his wings burst from his shoulders, and he tears through the air. When his feet land softly before you, a wholesome, gently smile forms on his lips, and he put out his arm slowly.

"It'll be okay."

A small nod escapes you and you step toward him, huddling under his arm.

Endeavour glances back at the sight for a single moment as he steps besides Kirogiri and Shigaraki. A thought quickly occurs to him...


Quickly the hero spirals around, his eyes widening, and turning to Hawks. Before he can move, a hand is coiled around his wrist and Endeavour freezes in place.

"Hawks, its not her!"

As the number one hero's eyes lock onto his friend, he watches a blood drops to the ground, one droplet after another.


The bird-like hero turns to the woman next to him, as a thick liquid oozes from off of her body, blond, frizzy locks causing a breath to leave him as he lowers himself to the floor.

"Toga right?"

"Yeppers! That's me cutie!"

Hawks groans in pain as what was once you melts into Toga's naked figure lent over him.

"What did you do with her?" He groans.

"Hmmm. You see, she put up a fight and I had to kill her, but her blood came in handy" She smirks deviously, as she walks around the man and back toward the group Kirogiri begins to form a portal besides. " Feel free to tell your friends that if you live! They deserve the chance to mourn."

As toga reaches the group, Endeavour only stares hopelessly at the unfolding sight. He doesn't hear what Toga had said to Hawks and that means he shouldn't retaliate at the chance the girl is alive.

"We will be stopping at an empty location to cut you up and check for trackers first" Is the last thing Shigaraki says as a portal consumes them.

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