24. Ignore It

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As you walk towards class the following morning, your eyes are on a keen hunt for Bakugou.

Where is that blond haired Echidna?

When your eyes fall on not a blond haired, but a red headed one of your friends, you let out an exhausted smile. Kirishima is ahead of you, his hands in his pockets and his head facing the floor to which gives you the urge to jog to catch up to him.

"You alright Kirishima?"

When he hears your voice, Kirishima steps to the side slightly, startled.

"Hi! Yes! I'm okay!" He smiles and rubs at the back of his head awkwardly.

"Are you lying?" You question, stepping towards him and examining his facial features.

He lets out a sigh and meets your eyes. "I think you'll learn soon enough." He smiles and begins walking again.


When you reach class, Aizawa follows in behind you and immediately your eyes land on Bakugou, sitting at his desk with his feet on the table.

However, between Aizawa's lesson, there's no time to talk to him.


When the bell rings, Bakugou is the first one to storm out the door and make his way to the dorms. You quickly follow behind him, throwing Izuku a wave. 

When you step out the door however, your blond haired friend has already disappeared. Not a sign of him in either direction of the hall as students pour out of classrooms.

A gentle squeeze to your shoulder makes you turn around to Kirishima who smiles.

"Is this what you meant?" You realize, turning to the floor.

"He's avoiding us isn't he?"

A second squeeze and sigh from Kirishima is all you need as an answer, but he still speaks.
"Yeah. I think he thinks... Well, what yesterday looked like."

"Yeah. I get it. Don't stress." You smile.

"He probably just thinks we were hiding something from him." You begin to walk and turn to the floor. "Stupid truth or dare."

"Yeah" Kirishima lets out a breath. "Sure..."


"(Y/n)! You brought the trouble maker? " Mirio chuckles as you come into view, Izuku at your side with his jaw dropped.

"You both kept this from me?" Izuku lets out, shocked to see the tall ex-UA student before him.

"Yeah. Sorry mate, but he's the reason I did so well in the practical exam." You grin triumphantly.

"I was sworn to secrecy friend." Mirio smiles, placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

The green haired boy gives a strong nod, understanding why you did not divulge this secret.

"Will you be training with us today Izuku?" You ask cheerfully and full of hope.

Your freckled friend immediately smiles hopefully at the thought.

"Can I?!"

At the boy's excitement, you let your friend train with Mirio first, admiring them fight without their quirks.

As they hurl fists and duck, you take into account a small detail about Izuku's style when he uses his fists. Of course he mostly uses his legs but when he goes for a punch, his style is different, as though he's a different person.

"You know Izuku. You're fighting style resembles All Might's!" You smile, picturing the once number one hero, conquering over villains.

Midoriya immediately stops and turns to you.


Before you answer, Izuku's, widened eyes are met by Mirio's fists and the taller boy smiles cockily.

"You shouldn't let others distract you in a fight buddy." Mirio reaches out his hand to help his friend to his feet before turning to you.

"You ready?"

You nod before stepping forward, and high five a slightly shaking Izuku, as though switching out in a wrestling match.

When the green haired boy sits down, you turn to Mirio, smiling.

"You know. I've been practicing." You throw Mirio a wink as he raises his eyebrows and smiles.

"Not just with me?" He jumps forward, readying the first punch.

Immediately, you intertwine your leg with the back of Mirio's, reach an arm out to the side to grab his shoulder, and your other pushes at his wrist with all your might. You sway your head to the side and push your leg back while you smile as the blond boy collides into the floor.

Mirio's eyes widen when he hits the floor, but a smile conceals it quickly.

"Alright!" He cheers pushing his body up and raising his fists.

This will be fun...

Both you and Mirio's fists fly through the air and bodies collide.

Each of you let out a laugh on multiple occasions which is not rare. What makes you genuinely happy is when Izuku's laugh rings across the gym.

He jogs to both of you after ten minutes of fighting at the sight of your arm tearing at Mirio's and your leg pushing him to the floor.

I won..

Izuku's cheer causes your lips to curl up and your eyes to grow slightly watery. You don't understand why your victory is such a big deal, but it sends your heart racing.

"Wow (Y/n)! That was amazing!" Izuku smiles, gripping your wrist to let you know to let go of the boy below you.

"Definitely was." Mirio chuckles, rising to his feet.

"You'll both be great heroes someday." The taller boy smiles and ruffles the hair on both of your heads.

"Now who wants a milkshake?" He smiles, charging towards the door.


When you step into the dorms, your smile is clear still. At the sound of the fridge door closing, it disappears quickly and you jump slightly.

Your hand pushes the front door closed and your eyes dart towards the kitchen.

Your smile returns at the sight.

"Katsuki!" You run, swinging your arm around the kitchen bench and planting yourself next to the fridge. The blond boy turns to a cupboard and pulls a bowl from the doors.

"Guess what?! Today I trained with Mirio Togata and we had a one on one and I won! It was amazing..." You pause as the boy pays you no interest.

"Katsuki, are-" Before another word escapes your lips, pain surges through your back as you step back into the wall, your body tensing as Bakugou steps directly in front of you and punches his hand against the wood besides you.

You're pinned in that position, Bakugou's breath heavy and his scarlet eyes not tearing away from yours.

"Shut up!" He yells, his gaze hard and cold as his teeth grind on one another. "Don't use my first name and stay out of my way you damn piece of shit! I don't want a thing to do with you or that shitty haired cunt. Got that (Y/n)?"

For a moment, you both stand frozen, until he pushes off of you and and wraps his hand around the bowl on the bench.

He quickly disappears up the stairs.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Izuku lets out as he steps in the building quietly.

He used my  name...

Flames {Reader x Bakugou}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin