37. The Boy

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As light slowly creeps into your vision, and you're quick let out a gasp like no other, taking in all the air the room has to offer. Your body swings into upright position and you raise your fist fiercely. Until the soft rainbow eyes directly in front of you and an outstretched hand cause your breathing to steady.

This boy, his quirk is powerful...

"You're (Y/n)" He says softly, his eyebrows creased and his face full of guilt.

You nod, gently rubbing your throat to see that it wasn't a dream.

"You're father tried to protect me from the villains at the Tokyo attack. He's a police officer right?" The boy lets out softly.

You finally let out your voice. "Yeah... That's something he would do."

"You're mum had shown me lots of pictures of you" The boy smiles lifelessly. "You are a UA student, and you're here because of me..." The young boy whispers, planting himself on the floor.

"I'm sorry I didn't recognise you sooner"

You only sit back in your spot also.

"Why do the villains want you?" Is your first question, to make use of the boys cooperative nature.

The boy's eyebrow's crease and he glances to the floor. He's quick to shake his head and return to his normal shy demeanour.

He's clearly been through a lot.

" May I at least know your name?"

" I- I don't think it's good to get attached in any way." He smiles weakly.

Immediately, the realisation hits you. This boy is losing all hope. A young boy with a clearly powerful quirk, and had came to Tokyo by himself, without parents, or someone who he knew well to come save him. Why would he have hope?

"You know, so many heroes are working hard to come help us right now. When they save us, I'd like to be able use your name when they ask me about you..."

"You really think the heroes would fight the league for us?"

"They've done it for others. They would definitely do it for someone like you."

"Like me?"

" A good kid, who is scared and of kind nature."

" I don't think the villains want it to stay that way."

"What do you mean?

"I think they want to use our quirks." He murmurs, his tone riddled with fear and his movements quickly growing skittish

"Use our quirks how?"

At the question, a loud thud comes from the door, banging and a familiar voice yelling out to get a move on. Dread immediately consumes you.

"They sent you in here for a reason."


Immediately you sigh, lifting the handcuffs. "But I don't really want to" With a smirk, you drop the steel bindings to the floor. With that you tilt your gaze to the small camera stationed in both corners, and neatly blowing a kiss before slowly raising the two fingers neatly pointing up from the middle of your hand.

"What are you doing?!" He squeaks, rising to his feet, his legs quaking as he does.

Your words are cocky as a smirk plays at your lips "What does it look like? Getting my spark back"

Immediately, the door opens, Dabi lent against the door.

"We're really going to have to do this?"He groans, examining her then the boy.

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