39. The Beacon

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It's cold.

It's dark.

Wait... Bakugou!

Quickly, your head darts upward from unconsciousness, and you swiftly go to pull yourself from your feet. When you do however, you see nothing, only black. You don't budge as you feel the tight grip of rope or binding at your feet and hands. Immediately, you let out a heavy breath and clench your fists.

"Bakugou?" You mumble, not a sound piercing your ears as you do.

At least for a moment. A deep voice echoes through the room softly. His tone is warm but clearly full of hurt.

"(Y/n)" He utters.

"Oh my god. Bakugou! Are you okay?" You let out, your voice shrill and immediately tears are pouring down your cheeks, sinking into the black material that covers your eyes.

A hand wraps around your own, and quickly, dim light pours into your vision, causing you to squint between your tears. Immediately, the sight of Bakugou, dirt smudged across his face causes you to tear at your chair, longing to wrap your arms round him.

"You're alive." He whispers, his voice full of a sad happiness.

His hand reaches for your chin as he cups it around your cheek.

"I was so scared you were dead..."

For a moment, your lips curl up, trying not to let sobs escape you. As your vision begins to clear you examine his beaten state, but when you meet his eyes, you pause. Slowly, you lean back.

"I'm not dead yet" You say coldly.

Swiftly, you encase his body in a strong pink glow, tearing the boy across the room and into the door across the room. His body collides with the steel wall and a deep groan of pain escapes him as his spine tears into the metal.

A cough follows as he slides to the floor, and he stares up at you, an evil grin plastered on his face.

"You don't have the same fire he has in his eyes. That's not something you can copy" You smile menacingly, leaning your head back and taking a deep breath to recompose yourself. "You never had him did you?"

"No. Just his blood" A more feminine voice echoes throughout the room.

You only glance down to Toga as she walks behind you, her body completely naked. As your eyes follow her when she reappears in her sight, she's pulling her woollen jumper over her head.

"I'm sorry but I had to do something to protect my friends." The villain says softly, a sick malice still dripping through her words. The small blond girl continues walking, her hand reaching for the door. "But, what you are about to see, is not trick" She smiles, her fingers curling over the door handle

When she does indeed open the door, your lips part softly. Quickly, you examine the sight that makes your heart sink. Before you stands Endeavour, his eye bruised, his arms cut, and lacking his uniform. Instead, he wears a large, bloody whit singlet and black track-pants.


He only smiles. "You are alive. Thank goodness."

"You'll have plenty of time to get to know her, old man." Dabi utters, pulling him into the room on a chain that connects to metal gauntlets that cover the number one hero's hands entirely.

The chain is connected and locked into a hook on the wall quickly. Endeavour gives the villain one last glare before Dabi makes his way to you, stopping in front of you. Toga then hands him a plate of food before making her way out of the room, closing the door behind her. The silent room is left with only Dabi, Endeavour and yourself waiting. The quiet is oddly relaxing.

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