27. Tensions

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As the class take a short break from the fighting and festivities, your eyes continually glance towards Bakugou, who's head is laying back on the wall and still appears frustrated. Kirishima is in a similar state besides Mina, not too far from Izuku and yourself.

"Izuku" You say his name, your voice not resembling your own. It comes out dry and lifeless.

Your green haired friend turns away from Ururaka and she knows to take her leave.

"You guys talk. I'm going to get some water." She says, smiling.

"Are you alright?" Izuku asks immediately as soon Ururaka steps away.

"You were close with Bakugou right?" You ask, your eyes shifting to the floor.

Izuku tilt his head, noticing your dejected state, piecing puzzle parts together. He observes your slight slouch and the bags under your eyes. You've been losing sleep. He of coarse takes into account the way you pummeled Iida.

"Yeah, when we were kids. Then he started treating me the way he treated you in the kitchen a few weeks back. Slowly we're mending it though.

Your eyes turn to his, your fists clenched and your eyebrows creased.

"I can't wait years fix this Izuku. I need him back..." You pause and relax you're body. "I've tried to think, but I can't think of how to make him listen. I don't know what words I could use, what actions to show him."

Your eyes turn to Kirishima as he pulls himself from the floor as All Might approaches him.

"Maybe Kirishima will." Izuku says, smiling as Bakugou stands also.

"Alright! This will be our second last fight for the day." Aizawa announces across the gym. "Either Kirishima or Bakugou will have the chance to fight Todoroki for top position in this class."

Your eyes immediately focus in Bakugou who stretches his neck, cracking it as he stands stiff before all of 1A.

His strong, red stare is cold and fails to leave Kirishima, who's footsteps echo across the suddenly silent building. 

Bakugou's gaze doesn't falter up to the moment Kirishima comes to a stop in front of him, returning his stare.

"Bakugou..." He smiles weakly before All Might speaks.


The moment, the words bounce from the building walls, an explosion erupts from the center of the room.
Eyes widen at the sight, including your's as you rise to your feet. Both Bakugou and Kirishima disappear in the smoke of the indescribable explosion.

He's going to go all out...

The thought crosses your mind as red spikes come into view. Kirishima's hair is the first thing anyone sees as the smoke fades. His skin is rough and rock like as he shields his eyes with his hands. Before he makes a single step, his body is sent flying back as another explosions causes your ears to ache.

Bakugou's hand is outstretched as he swipes at the smoke to observe Kirishima as pushes his still hardened body up from the wall. Bakugou's expression remains unchanged as he approaches your red headed friend.

In fact, it's unlike him to not wear a  villainous smile after an attack like that.

Bakugou's fixating eyes remain on Kirishima as he sends another relentless blast down on the boy. Then another and another. You clench at your shirt at the sight.

Damn, he's strong.

Kirishima lets out a stern yell as flames ram into him.

"Give up shitty hair." Bakugou states coldly as you all watch. With his skin still hard, Kirishima attempts to ram his leg into the back wall as he pulls his body up.

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