16. All over the shop

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The unfamiliar warmth that overcomes you when your eyes peak open ever so slightly only makes you smile. You wriggle to your side and close your eyes contently yet again.

What is this?

The usual warmth of the sun is absent, but the world seems so safe and cozy as you yawn and attempt to lull yourself back to sleep.

When the images of yesterday pop into your head, all you can do is smile. The sight of Bakugou kneeling down besides that girl, the fun you had with your friends before the stupid outfit... Watching a movie with-

Oh no...

Your eyes open wide at your next thought and you sit straight up, the sight before you, turning your stomach to mush. You'd pulled yourself from Bakugou's lap and his hand tumbles back onto him after being placed on your shoulder.

Your breathing relaxes when you notice the slight bit of saliva pouring from his lips and the heavy rising and falling of his chest.

All you can do is admire him. He looks so calm, his sharp jaw is relaxed and his overwhelming messy hair doesn't make him any less handsome at all.

He's still asleep...

"Morning nerd"

Or not!

When his lips move, you tumble back even more and let out a minor shriek.


He turns his head sleepily in your direction and opens his eyes, their rightful scarlet red colour returned.

"Kirishima... How long have you been there?" Bakugou sighs lazily.


You spin your head around to see Kirishima sitting at the table, his phone out and a smile on his face.

"Only long enough to get more photos than I can count." The red headed boy teases, sliding his phone into his pocket.

"What?!" You yell, pushing yourself from the couch.

Kirishima only smiles."Well, on a side note" He says casually, walking towards you both, changing the topic. "Class starts in an hour." He smiles, handing you some toast.

All you can do is sigh and shove the toast into your mouth.

"Alright. I'm going to go get ready." You mumble through food and turn to Bakugou, your expression changing immediately.

"Thanks Katsuki..." You nod and make for the stairs with haste, your body stiff and your cheeks slightly red.

"Bro, what was that?" Are the last words you hear Kirishima say before you run up the stairs to get out of the awful clothes you fell asleep in.


As soon as you step into the classroom, Iida and Izuku turn to you. They're the first to class and it calms your nerves ever so slightly.

You smile awkwardly and sit at your desk, your attention avoiding Izuku's.

"Hey (Y/n)" The freckled boy beams, sitting besides you. "Are you alright?"

When you turn to him, nothing but concern is on his face. His green eyes are open wide, examining your expression, and his hands are fidgeting, clearly nervous. His smile however, is there all for you and you can tell.

"You know Izuku... You remind me of All Might." You smile, turning to your desk. And when you look back at him, his face is twice as red.

"W-what do you mean by that?" He stutters.

"Your always there for others, a brave smile on your face."

The green haired boy peers down, and wipes his eyes swiftly before turning back up to you.

"(Y/n)... What's wrong?" He smiles, bringing you both back to where you started.

"Nothings wrong. My emotions are all over the shop is all." You stare right into his green eyes and smile. "It's irrelevant. School comes first." You turn your attention to the door when the next few people step through the door.

Bakugou, of course, catches your attention quickest, until Kirishima's subtle waving hand causes you to turn to him. As he walks past, he places a sticky note in front of you, Izuku and yourself being the only ones who notice.

You both lean over and peer down at the blue piece of paper, before glancing at each other.

We need to talk. You, me, and Izuku, after school.

Your eye contact breaks when Aizawa's sleeping bag is thrown across the room and your familiar home room teacher steps before you all.

"Exciting news students." He states bluntly, signalling that it would be bad news.

"Mid Semester exams will be coming up in a couple of weeks. Best we get studying."


Your own and Izuku's legs move like fingers playing a piano as you bounce down the stairs, Kirishima's hair entering your view as you do.

His bag is slung over his shoulder and his smile is planted on his face as usual.

"Hey." He beams when you both stop in front of him.

You raise an eyebrow at him. "There is no time for heys" You tease and smile. "What's with the secret messages?"

He chuckles slightly before making his way around the next corner, all three of you walking side by side.

Kirishima's expression changes quickly as you do.

"I think Midoriya feels the same way I do after yesterday. That's why I said he could come too. I feel bad and I just want to know your alright." He states calmly, his concerned eyes beaming down at you.

Midoriya smiles up at you both. "Yeah. I felt pretty bad too..."

You sigh and smile, glancing at each of them. "I'm fine guys. I'm not one to hold grudges. The outfit thing's fine."

Kirishima raises an eyebrow. "Then why do you still look so upset?" He pauses and you all stop. His eyes glance to the floor and he smiles when he looks to you again.

"Its not my business... But is it because of Bakugou?" He grins, his pointy teeth teasing you.

Your eyes widen at his question and you turn to Izuku who laughs a little before you turn back to Kirishima.

"This morning wasn't what it looked like. I fell asleep by accident." You grumble and crinkle your eyebrows.

"Is that what you meant when you said school comes first (Y/n)?" Midoriya says, clearly delving into thought.

His green eyes turn to you rather quickly as he puts things together. "You like Kaccan!"

Kirishima gives you a look of question and so does Izuku which sends your blood absolutely pumping."No." You state coldly and turn to the door, beginning to walk quickly.

The conversation is shut down in seconds.

"I've never spent my time with friends, let alone a girly crush." You contemplate, as you reach for the door.

"Thanks for being concerned guys, but I don't have time for thoughts like that. He's going through some stuff and I need to focus on my exams..." You state bluntly before pulling open the door and stepping out into UA grounds.

Exams are my priority.

At least until you spot Bakugou at a table across the school yard.

But it wouldn't hurt to check he's okay...

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