Same X Visit X Suspicious

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Waking up was no different, Katsumi felt no different. Why? Because Hisoka was still possessive of her as ever. So it was back to a usual day of doing work, although she was sure Hisoka was planning on harassing Chrollo for a fight soon.

Katsumi was using this time to go through more of her contracts, jobs she had set up before she had left for Greed Island.

Days would pass and Kagome was the only one who celebrated Katsumi and Hisoka's engagement. Mostly cause Katsumi didn't tell anyone else...

But it was during one of those off days that the most surprising, not really, guest had arrived to visit.

"Ah, Illumi~" Hisoka greeted as he answered the door.

"Illu-ni?!" Katsumi called out loudly, surprised he was even there. Why? Why was he there? Probably cause Kagome let the news slip to him... bitxh. "Why are you here?"

It was at the sound of Katsumi'a voice, that the aura around him spiked into a murderous blood lust.

"Illu-ni..." Katsumi called softly, before slowly backing up.

"Katsumi..." Illumi breathed out. "When were you planning on telling me you're engaged?"

By this point, Katsumi had already ran into the bathroom to hide.

It took awhile for Illumi to calm down. He was mostly annoyed that he had heard the news from Hisoka and not his own sister about the news. He didn't mind her engagement to Hisoka at all, he is powerful after all. Illumi wouldn't have cared if she married Chrollo either, but Katsumi didn't seem very fond of him as she got older.

"Sooo..." Katsumi started. "Why are you here exactly?"

Illumi shot her a look, which made Katsumi jump a bit.

"To give my congratulations to you and Hisoka." Illumi answered.

"Oh, thank you aniki." Katsumi answered as Illumi handed her a slender box.

Katsumi took it slowly, unsure of what was happening. Illumi wasn't known to give gifts... ever.

"It's a gift." Illumi explained.

Which Katsumi slowly opened. Would it explode? Would a million needles shoot out at her cause he was mad at her?


"A needle?" Katsumi asked. One of Illumi's signature needles was in the slender box, just laying inside it.

"For you to use on Hisoka when needed." Illumi answered, as he directed his blood lust at Hisoka now. Hisoka chuckled as he purposely wrapped an arm around Katsumi's waist in front of Illumi. His aura fumed.

"Thank you aniki." Katsumi answered with a smile. Still the protective older brother.

Illumi didn't stay long, claiming he had a job to do in the area. But that kind of news slightly didn't make sense to Katsumi. She had taken in the multiple times Illumi had taken out his phone to text, even leaving the immediate area to answer. It was odd to her, he never did that, not even when grandpa Zeno sent them jobs. Usually Illumi read the message, and did the job without replying, except to say when it was done. So why was Illumi answering his phone so much now?

Hisoka seemed to know something since he was grinning the whole time. But Katsumi figured it be entertaining for a bit to figure it out.

As Illumi left, something did catch her eye. A small charm that hanged off Illumi's phone, a strawberry charm. Katsumi didn't think much into it, but it was slightly odd that he had a charm.

Illu-ni doesn't like strawberries...

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