Bonus : 10 X and X 10

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"What's Katsumi's nen ability?"

Kagome blinked in surprise, as the two young boys asked the closest person to Katsumi. "Why?"

"Please Kagome, tell us." Killua asked again. "Anego said she would buy us snacks if we figured out her nen ability's weakness."

"And did you figure it out?"

"No." Killua and Gon sighed.

Kagome let out a sigh as she eyed both boys again.

"Well what did you figure out about her abilities?" Kagome asked.

"Anego is a conjurer." Killua answered.

"And her nen takes the shape of anything!" Gon said excited.

"What else?" Kagome pressed on.

"That's it..." Killua answered. "Her fight was too fast, it was hard to keep up. Especially once we became more entertained by it."

"Don't you think think such an ability as Katsumi's is powerful?"

"Yeah, but it seems impossible to defeat." Gon answered.

"Wrong." Kagome lectured. "Because her ability is strong, the weakness is more as well."

"Ohhhh." Both boys said in excitement.

Kagome sighed once more, she'll probably get yelled at by Katsumi for helping the two boys win snacks from her.

"I'm only telling you this so Katsumi buys you boys snacks, but this information doesn't leave your mouths." Kagome warned.

"Yes yes!" Killua and Gon replied.

"10 and 10." Kagome answered. "Remember that."

"10 and 10?" Gon questioned, while Killua sat there confused.

"It's Katsumi's nen rule. Her ability can only last for 10 minutes, before it takes a break for the next 10 minutes." Kagome explained. "The other one is that Katsumi can only have 1 shape at a time, but it may only be performed for 10 seconds before she has to change it to something else. She may create the same shape twice at the same time, but that lessens the performance by half."

"Can she create the same shape in a row?" Killua asked.

"Yes and no. It's preferable that she changes the shape for the next 10 seconds." Kagome explained.

"Wait what happens if she goes over the 10 seconds?" Killua continued.

"Nothing, the shape continues, but the time she has to perform her ability will be cut in half. So if she holds shape A for 10 seconds, if she holds it longer, it'll only last 5 seconds. If she continues to hold the shape, she's cutting down her time." Kagome replied.

"What happens after 10 minutes?" Gon asked.

"Her nen ability takes a break for 10 minutes, before she can perform it again. She always aims for her fights to be less then 3 minutes, any longer and she fears people will figure out her ability and wait her out." Kagome explained. "She's pretty much on a time limit you can say."

"If Anego doesn't use her ability after the 10 minute break, does she get extra time to use her nen?" Killua continued. He knew none of this information about Katsumi, about his own sister. But he was sure Kagome and Illumi knew.

"No, she still only has the 10 minutes."

"What if she were to stop using her nen ability during the 10 minutes she has to use it?" Killua continued.

"Then she is wasting her time, cause she only gets those 10 minutes." Kagome answered. 

"And if she were to pause during her time 10 minute time limit, can she perform the same shape again?"

"Yes, but after 30 seconds. She would be losing time though." Katsumi continued to explain. "You said Katsumi's fight was so fast that it became hard to keep up, to the point you were entertained by it, correct?"

Both boys nodded.

"Ask her again to watch her fight, and time it. She won't, or will try to, not go over 2 minutes." Kagome explained. "As much as Illumi praises her ability, Katsumi works hard on physical attacks because if there ever comes a time where her time limit is up, she's on her own for the next 10 minutes."

Why am I randomly sneezing? I bet Kagome is talking to Hisoka about me again. -_____-

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