Escape X Call X Deal

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She had just escaped a shower with Hisoka. Although it was annoying to shower one handed, as she had used her other to use her nen ability and trap him against the wall.

Katsumi stood by the dresser in a towel, and picked up her phone. She didn't receive much phone calls or text from anyone usually, it was was strictly work.

Zeno: You have a client looking for you. XXXXXXXXXX

Katsumi stood in a towel as she quickly pressed the number to dial, and was instantly greeted with sultry voice. Their voice was deep yet calming, like a deep melody on the harp.

"Oh." Katsumi answered, recognizing the voice. It was at this moment, that Hisoka had emerged from behind her, and wrapped his arms around the female assassins waist. She didn't bother in stopping him, there was no point.

But then Katsumi said a name that must have surprised Hisoka, cause he had then loosened his grip a bit.

"And what can I do for you, Chrollo?"

Hisoka shot a glare at the back of Katsumi's head as she greeted his boss.

"Katsumi, it's nice to hear from you." Chrollo answered back pleasantly.

"You know I'm not into idle chitchat, what is it that you need?" Katsumi insisted, she was a busy woman. And by busy, she was trying to escape the grips of a clown.

"You know we don't discuss matters over the phone." Chrollo replied back, Katsumi could tell there was a smile on his face as he said that.

"Good, you remember. So give me a date and place."

"August 30th, in Yorknew City, before noon."

"Then I will see you then, Boss."

And then both lines went dead.

"And what would Chrollo have wanted from you?~" Hisoka asked, placing his chin on Katsumi's shoulder as he had uninterested look on his face.

"A date is all." Katsumi said, as she then turned to leave him. "Well, I'm going home."

But before she could leave to change, Hisoka had grabbed her wrist tightly, and pulled her back.

Katsumi, surprised, looked at Hisoka as he pulled her back, and his other hand reaching behind her head. Quickly, he had kissed her directly on the lips. He was claiming what he wanted, what he wished to not share, especially not with Chrollo.

"What about our date?~" Hisoka asked innocently... enough.

"You already had one." Katsumi answered back, which was technically true. They did go out for dinner, and she did go home with him... and sleep with him. That's a date right?

"And what about next time?~"


Katsumi didn't feel the need to go on another date, she already knew she likes Hisoka. And it seemed to her that Hisoka returned such feelings for of what had happened last night. Then again he did sleep with another female... horny clown.

"A deal then." Katsumi mentioned, she knew Hisoka loved making them.

"I never stay to finish watching a fight, the ending is never entertaining especially when the winner is obvious." Katsumi explained. "Make your fight with Kastro entertaining enough for me to stay and watch the whole thing, and I'll go with you on another date."

Hisoka smirked in agreement.



And they shaked on it.

I have come to realize that I am in some sort of relationship... with a clown.

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