Fail X Eggs X Zoldyck

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Everyone failed. Unfortunately. But who was really surprised? The female examiner was demanding for cooking skills instead of physical and mental skills from the examinees. 

But the 2nd exam was redone with the examinees jumping off a cliff for spider eagle eggs, and then using the mountains air to be pushed back up. 

They had all boiled there eggs to a certain point before they could eat. 

"Katsumi!" Kagome exclaimed happily. "You need to try this dream egg." Kagome continued as she ate her egg. 

"I'll eat it later, I'm full." Katsumi answered tiredly. 

"Oh yeah, you were being spoon fed by your boyfriend earlier." 

"He's not my boyfriend!" Katsumi answered back loudly with pink cheeks. 

Kagome only laughed as she caught Katsumi's blush. She had never seen her get so flustered over a male before, and she was highly enjoying it. Although it slightly surprised her that Katsumi had actually developed an emotional attachment to the jester. 


A strange and hollowed voice called out softly behind her as Katsumi left in a blushing huff to go into the air blimp. 

"Hmm?" Kagome questioned as she turned around, only to meet with Gittarackur standing behind her. "Ohh, Gittarackur. How may I help you?" She answered in a sarcastic tone. 

"Did you really introduce Hisoka to Katsumi?" Gittarackur asked. 

"Protective older brother, aren't you." Kagome said with a smirk. "I didn't think you were capable of such." 

"That's not it." 

"Liar." -____-" 

"Why Hisoka?" Gittarackur asked, ignoring Kagome's accusations. 

"Why not him?" Kagome asked back. "You can't say that you didn't think of him as a potential suitor for Katsumi too." 

Gittarackur simply gave Kagome a side eye annoyed. 

"You really think he'll kill her, don't you?" Kagome questioned. 

"Possibly." Gittarackur answered with a straight face. 

"She's a Zoldyck, that won't ever happen." 

"Ah, you're correct." Gittarackur answered with a rattle, his tone changing to much more relieved. "I have nothing to worry about." 

Where the fuck is Kagome? Why does she keep leaving me with Hisoka?!

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