Proud X Victory X Hold

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The game continued on, and they were on the losing team. Katsumi wanted to see the team win for Killua and Gon's sake. She wanted them to win so bad that she pushed herself to the limit that she had gotten herself injured, and practically depended on someone else to protect her. If Illumi knew... he definitely would use this kind of information to persuade her parents in their decision to accept Hisoka unconditionally.

The game got so interesting though that Katsumi was almost at the edge of her seat. She couldn't make any sudden movements though, trying to realign ribs was a ridiculous and painful task. 

The game was three against Razor now, Katsumi was impressed with both Killua and Gon, and their drive to win. Hisoka she wasn't even surprised about, he always wants to win. But she had to admit... when Hisoka used Bungee gum one last time to send the ball back at Razor to win the game, the thrill of watching him in action made her want him even more. For she only wanted the strong, the kind that did everything possible to win. Including breaking bones and losing limbs.

Poor Katsumi couldn't even cheer when they had won, she just sat there clapping... She wanted him so badly that she had to rub her legs together when he approached her.

So when Hisoka was close enough to her, she used every ounce of her energy and kissed him hard on the lips. She devoured his lips, wanting more and more of him. Hisoka was slightly surprised, she was never usually like this.

"Hurry up and celebrate, then let's go." Katsumi whispered, her poor ribs were in so much pain as she held his head close to hers, her arms wrapped around his neck. But like a true Zoldyck... she just ignored the pain.

"Hmm?~" Hisoka assumed Katsumi would want to celebrate her brothers victory. But he also wasn't complaining with how Katsumi was acting, he did want her from earlier... this was just egging him on now.

Katsumi had then whispered something into Hisoka's ear, something that made him smile... and his pants to create a tent. 

"And your ribs?~" 

"I'll go to Machi when I see her." 

"And what about now?~" 

"You'll have to do as you said... you're going to have to hold me up." 

Hisoka had no doubt in his mind now, he was for sure going to marry this woman. 

And Hisoka did as Katsumi had asked, they had immediately left after the boys had received the card. Killua didn't even bother pestering his sister anymore, after what Hisoka had did during the game, there was no way to change her mind. 

Hisoka carried Katsumi in his arms, he was slightly walking faster then usual. Katsumi didn't mind though, if anything she wanted this man to run so she could have him sooner.

And as promised, Hisoka held her up. More than once.

... I'll finally admit, I plan on marrying this man.

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