Contract X Jealous X Greed

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"If you have him, you certainly don't need me." Katsumi commented. 

"Battles are won when the numbers are higher then one, Katsumi." Chrollo replied back. 

"Except Hisoka has the kill drive of a hundred murderers. You should be good, Boss." 

"You've already verbally agreed to the contract and my conditions." 

"Except you left one detail out." 

"Not very Zoldyck like of you." 

"Bite me Chrollo!" Katsumi growled. 

"Ahh~ And I thought I was the only one allowed to bite you~" 

Katsumi turned slightly and shot Hisoka a look. She was annoyed. Although she simply didn't mind Hisoka's company, and actually enjoyed it... she just didn't trust Hisoka to let her be when it came to her doing her job. 

"This is strictly business Hisoka." Katsumi answered in return. 

"But it will be just the two of us~" Hisoka mentioned. "We can do whatever we like~" 

Katsumi ignored Hisoka's comment, and turned away. 

But he reached out for her, embracing her in front of Chrollo. He wanted Chrollo to be jealous, to know that the suitor that was chosen for Katsumi, was him. Hisoka wanted Chrollo to know, that he had simply lost. 

"This is still a job, there's no vacation." Chrollo interrupted. He was jealous. 

"No one said anything about a vacation Chrollo. Now give us the tools to get to Greed Island." Katsumi answered back. 

Chrollo smiled as he handed her the console. Once he had his nen back, he would simply kill Hisoka and steal Katsumi from him. Hisoka had always wanted to fight him, so if he died, it's his own fault. 

"I take you understand how it works?" Chrollo questioned. 

"We'll figure it out." Katsumi answered back, and had taken everything from him, exiting the room after. 

Hisoka simply stared at Chrollo with a winning grin, he had beat the fool of a spider at one thing already. Then when Chrollo gains his nen back, he would make sure he loses once again. 

"Hurry up Hisoka!" 

"Coming, Katsumi- chan~" 

Chrollo grimaced as Hisoka left the room. 

I didn't realize how much I miss Kagome.

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