Swamp X Introduce X Brother

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They ran through the swamp, the examinees trying to follow the examiner through the smog and mud.

"This is stupid." Katsumi mumbled to herself, even she had to admit that this was rather difficult and annoying. She was ruining a good pair of shoes with the mud, and she couldn't even see the examiner anymore. She was running on pure instinct now, following a strong yet gentle aura that seemed to be in the front of the crowd.

"Excuse me, but how come you're by yourself?" A higher pitched male voice suddenly questioned behind her, she didn't even sense anyone coming near her.

Katsumi quickly turned her head around to see the young boy from earlier, a blonde teenager right behind him.

"Is it bad for me to be alone?" Katsumi questioned back as the child ran on par with her, the blonde not far behind.

"No." The boy answered with a smile. "It's just that there was someone with you earlier, before the exam started. I was wondering why you're not with her."

"Oh, she's somewhere." Katsumi answered with a smile. "Probably ahead. Do you have a crush on her?" She teased.

"Ehhhhh!" The young boy exclaimed, caught off guard by her question, as he began to quickly shake his head, signaling a no. Katsumi simply laughed at his reaction.

"But she looks familiar."

Katsumi simply smiled as his features easily reflected Kagome's. They had the same dark green hair, and almost bubbly personality. And while their eyes were both brown, he had the eyes of the innocent, while she had the eyes of an assassin. She even began to wonder if her long time friend even knows that he's here.

"My name is Katsumi Zoldyck." She suddenly said with a smile as she had finally introduced herself to someone new.

The young boy only smiled ear to ear as he introduced himself.

"My name is Gon Freeces."

As I had thought, they have the same last name... So this is your younger brother, Kagome.

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