Jester X Question X Hair

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She simply avoided the two as they chatted.

"Why does he dress like a jester?" Katsumi mumbled behind them, slowly inching away from them.

"Why does he paint shapes on his face?" She mumbled once more as she inched even farther.

"How is his hair defying gravity so well?"

By then, Katsumi had fallen quite a bit behind to avoid the 2 of them.

Hisoka often turned back to watch the silver/ white haired woman behind him. She was no normal person taking the exam. Although she pretended she was non threatening, she had let her blood lust slip more then once.

"You like her."

"Hmmm?~ ♡" Hisoka replied with a small smile. If anything, he was genuinely interested in her.

"You like her." Kagome answered back with a grin. "I knew you two would be a good match."

However, Hisoka simply just turned back to watch Katsumi run some distance behind him, which Katsumi had caught numerous times.

Why does he keep watching me? I wonder if he'll allow me to touch his hair...

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