Kagome X Vs X Hanzo

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They were in air craft once more, heading towards the final destination and exam test. Thank lawd it was going to be over soon, for Katsumi wanted nothing more to return home and get back to work.

When it had become Katsumi's turn for her interview, her interview was nothing to be impressed about. When asked why she wanted a license, she gave the truth that she simply came to keep an eye on Kagome. When asked who she wanted to fight most, she said "no one". When asked who she wanted to fight the least, she said "no one". What a brat -_____-

Because of her non- informant answers, Kagami had been put on the roster against a man she had deemed to be weak. And as much as he probably was, it was her own fault for giving crappy answers.

Katsumi could do nothing but groan.

"That's what you get for not taking the interview seriously." Kagome scolded.

"This is boring." Katsumi complained back.

But Katsumi took back her words as she watched Gon and Hanzo fight. She took glances every so often to see Kagome's reaction, she seemed calm. And the fights continued, even Katsumi had won her fight. But it was no surprise.

Then it was time...

Hanzo had advanced upwards after surrendering to Gon. And it was a bit of a coincidence that Hanzo would be facing another 'Freecs'... He didn't know that though.

"Becareful Kagome." Leorio warned as Kagome readied to step to the middle of the room. "After what happened to Gon, he won't go easy on you."

"Thank you Leorio." Kagome said with a nervous smile. "I'll do my best!"

Leorio and Kurapica simply smile at her answer, while Katsumi stifled a laugh.

"The next match will proceed!" The referee announced. "Hanzo vs Kagome!"

"Don't think I will be easy on you cause you're a female." Hanzo warned, cracking his knuckles as he stood before her.

"I hope not." Kagome answered with that same nervous smile. But it disappeared the moment the referee started the match, and an unimpressed facial expression made its way on her face. 

Hanzo stood still for a moment surprised by the change in Kagome's expression, but she soon disappeared and a sharp pain hit the back of his neck, almost knocking him out. 

Hanzo then felt someone sit him up and shake him, and then suddenly hit the back of his head hard. 

"Shake it off Hanzo." Kagome's voice soothing voice then entered his ears, the nervousness gone. Instead, her voice was laced with death, yet it was soothing to his ears almost. "You've dealt this kind of torture before, so you should be able to take it." 

Hanzo was desperately trying to gain back his conscious. But yet another force had picked him up from the back of his collar, and slammed him face first into the ground.

"Or am I wrong?" Kagome asked. "To think that someone like you could deal torture, but not take it." 

"Who..a-are yo... u?" Hanzo struggled out, attempting to push himself up, but Kagome was forcing him down. Of course he had kept an eye out on this woman, but not a close enough one to think she was deadly. He simply thought she was pretty... What a poor judgement that was. 

The other applicants stood on the side in complete surprise. No one had expected this turn of events, then again... No one had witnessed Kagome in any actual combat. 

"I'm Kagome Freecs." Kagome answered with a smile, as she slowly picked up Hanzo's right arm and placed it on his back. 

Kagome's last name had suddenly dawned on Hanzo who she was.  

"I'd be careful who you torture and who you threaten in the future, Hanzo." Kagome threatened back. "Now, surrender before I break your arm." 

By this point, it was a no brainer and Hanzo had instantly surrendered, declaring Kagome as the winner. 

"You're harsh." Katsumi commented as Kagome then made her way back beside her. "Imitating the same torture he put Gon through." 

"I should have broke his arm." Kagome answered back annoyed. Katsumi simply laughed at Kagome's annoyed expression. 

And to think, Kagome fancied a man like Hanzo Lol.

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