Truth X Weak X Truth

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Their night of drinks didn't end quickly, Katsumi and Kagome were to into their talk of business, Gon and Killua, Hisoka, and Phinks.

And now they were on a new subject.

"I always thought you were going to marry Aniki." Katsumi mentioned, a smile rising to her face as she had caught Kagome off guard.

"Me?! And Illumi?!" Kagome sputtered out. "Are you crazy? He's pretty much my teacher."

"No, grandpa Zeno is your teacher." Katsumi corrected. "Illumi was only your spotter when you went out on missions. He insisted he kept an eye on you."

Kagome pouted in annoyance, Illumi never did trust her when they first met.

"So..." Katsumi started once more. "Why did you stop liking Aniki. We could have been sisters."

"Is this a real or rhetorical question?" Kagome asked back.


Kagome simply sighed.

"I stopped liking Illumi because there was a trust issue between us." Kagome explained. "If he didn't trust me to be a friend of the family, what makes you think he would trust me as a wife?"

Katsumi stared with a hard expression, she never did understand why Illumi didn't like Kagome in the beginning. Was it because she's not family?

"Our relationship may not be as tense anymore, but we are simply colleagues in this profession."

Those words sank into Katsumi as she made her way into her room. In truth, it almost hurt her to know her older brother saw her bestfriend in that sense.

In thought, Hisoka had taken the opportunity and pressed his body against Katsumi's back, but she wasn't surprised as he snaked his arms around her waist. He was always in her room.

"Hisoka, wh-"

"You looked to be in such a vulnerable state ~" Hisoka had whispered into her ear, a smirk played across his face as if he was ready to kill her.

"Don't mistaken my expression as vulnerability." Katsumi answered dangerously. "And don't mistaken my easiness for weakness. You were simply chosen among many others to be my suitor, that does not mean you are. Do not forget that."

Hisoka's smirk only widened.

"Then do tell your parents that, Katsumi~ chan." Hisoka answered as he leaned in towards Katsumi's ear. "Cause I believe they have already decided I am~" He whispered as he pressed his pelvic area against her bum, causing her eyes eyes to become wide.


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