Hire X Execution X Reunited

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She met with him in the same exact place. The broken building covered in broken rubble and windows. The only difference... it was empty.

No form of life rested here, the nen aura of those that use to gather, long gone. Except one.

"I couldn't sense you within the building." Katsumi mentioned, standing before the Spider's head.

"Perhaps you're losing your edge." Chrollo commented with a weary smile.

"Yeah right."

But Chrollo simply laughed in return.

"So why exactly am I here?"

"I have a job I would like to hire you for, you specifically anyways." Chrollo explained.

"Oh? Not Kagome, or even Illumi?" Katsumi teased.

"No, you." Chrollo answered, his tone serious.

Katsumi put all jokes aside, and began to listen.

"I need you to play a game called Greed Island, it's a game made specifically for hunters with nen abilities."

"And..." Katsumi urged him to continue, although there was something off already about his request.

"I'm in search of a nen exorcist." Chrollo explained.

"Is there a name?"


"A gender?"


"Any information at all?"


Katsumi grumbled in reply.

"Why exactly do you need a nen exorcist?" Katsumi asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"I thought you don't ask for clients personal stories, Katsumi." Chrollo mocked.

"Except you're not a client." Katsumi shot back annoyed. "You're not asking me to kill anyone, you're asking me to search for someone. If you want someone found, go to the police."

Chrollo laughed once more, fond of Katsumi's aggressiveness.

"The chain user who killed Uvo, has sealed my nen." Chrollo explained. "I need a nen exorcist to break his nen hold on me. This is why I've asked for your assistance."

Katsumi hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Fine, but this will cost you." Katsumi warned.

"Very well." Chrollo answered pleasantly.

"Katsumi, one more thing." Chrollo called out, as if he remembered something last minute.

"What?" Katsumi asked annoyed again.

"I have hired another to accompany you."

"... who?"

The person walked into the room, as if enjoying the view before them. By view,  they were watching Katsumi.

"~ ♡"

This is a fcukin' joke!

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