And X He X Asked

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For @EvangelyneLacra , for her simple and amusing request Lol , I couldn't refuse .

They had returned to the hotel, where Katsumi wanted nothing but to shower, to relax. But Hisoka had other intentions... as usual.

Hisoka had grabbed her waist as they had both walked in, pulling her against him.

"Hisoka..." Katsumi breathed out softly, couldn't he wait? Couldn't he let her shower first? Let her take a nap, possibly? Let her just sit there and eat some junk food?

"The way you told off Chrollo ~..." Hisoka began. "Was simply breathtaking." He purred out, digging his face into Katsumi's neck, as his hands attempted to explore under her dress.

"I did say 'until further notice'." Katsumi mentioned, pretty much trying to irritate the magician. But it wasn't really working, Hisoka was just enjoying the fact that he no longer had Chrollo as a nuisance.

"Hisoka, please." Katsumi groaned out as she turned around in his arms, trying to get him to listen to her own request. But Hisoka had wrapped his arms around her while she just stood there.

"Katsumi- chan~ it's not a hug if you don't do it back." Hisoka teased. He knew she wasn't that affectionate unless he made the move first.

"I'm trying to shower." Katsumi answered, before walking away. "And I want to eat..." She finished with a mumble.

She wasn't having it.

Hisoka smirked as she went into the washroom and locked the door, no way she was risking him coming in.

So Hisoka used this time to dig through the closet, in search of a small box, the contents inside something that he had chosen and bought a long time ago. And when he was sure everything was still in its rightful place, he put it away in a more convenient spot, and waited.

Katsumi exited with nothing but a towel on, and when Hisoka tried to kiss her, she simply avoided him and insisted he shower first. Hisoka agreed, and actually listened.

Katsumi had possibly... thirty minutes of freedom, before Hisoka finished his shower and tries to bed her for the millionth time. So she used this time, and quickly got herself ready to relax.

Hisoka had exited the bathroom in the same manner that Katsumi had, in just a towel. He was drying his hair with a second one, as he had taken note of Katsumi sprawled out on the bed in what looked like one of his dress shirts. He approached Katsumi, and had taken notice of the outline of her body... she had nothing underneath, not even underwear.

"I'm starving." Katsumi declared as she still slayed in bed, unmoving. Although she really wanted snacks, she had taken in that it's probably been awhile since she's actually eaten an actual meal.

"Did you want to go out?" Hisoka asked plainly, but he was planning. Planning a strategy.

"No." Katsumi answered as she had suddenly shot up in an upright position on the bed. She turned to Hisoka with a rather cute and innocent look, she looked slightly grumpy. Probably cause she was hungry. "I want to stay in and eat."

"And what is that you wanted to eat, Katsumi-chan?~" Hisoka once again hinted, at wanting something else.

"Something edible." Katsumi answered, that innocent grumpy look still on her face. She wasn't't having it with him now, all this joking and teasing was just making her even more grumpy.

Hisoka chuckled, he knew Katsumi was hungry, cause he had heard her earlier comment about wanting to eat.

Katsumi continued on her grumpy tirade as she watched tv, while Hisoka shuffled through the closet, looking for something to change into.

But then Hisoka had reached over, capturing Katsumi's attention with a kiss. He had pulled her up from the bed and into a standing position, all while he never let Katsumi's lips leave his own. As Hisoka broke away, Katsumi slowly opened her eyes. Hisoka was still in a towel... but he was holding something before her. An open velvet box, with something that glistened inside.

Katsumi was slightly confused... she was unsure why he was gifting her such a thing. But she did say she want a ring to signify marriage, but was this how one proposes to another? She really was unsure. All the information she knew about marriage and proposal was something Kagome had explained to her, the rest she just pulled out of her ass and prayed for the best.

"Marry me, Katsumi." Hisoka said for the final time. It was no longer a question, for the answer was already known.

Katsumi continued to stare, her words were stuck in her throat. This was really happening.

"Yes." Was the only word Katsumi was able to get out... what the fcuk!

Hisoka once again chuckled at her answer, she sounded almost speechless. So Hisoka reached for her left hand, placing the ring on her ring finger. It was almost strange to Katsumi, but she felt a feeling that she couldn't describe. It didn't hurt her or cause her any pain, but it was a foreign feeling.

Katsumi reached over, wrapping her arms around Hisoka's neck, pulled him tightly, and hugged him. Hisoka smirked before wrapping his own arms around her. This was a first, she never really was one to initiate such a loving gesture, and in such a gentle manner. But Katsumi wouldn't stop, she had kissed him as that foreign feeling still hovered around in her gut. It was the same feeling she felt when she was able to befriend Kagome, the same feeling she had when she was trusted to go on her first mission alone, the same feeling she had when she first met Hisoka.

And Katsumi refused to let him go, for she feared the foreign feeling would leave her.

Just as Hisoka was able to get his hands under Katsumi's dress shirt, a knock was at the door.

"Hmm?~" Hisoka questioned. "The food must be here~"

"Food...?" Katsumi questioned, before realization hit her, and she ran for the door to answer it. Hisoka watched as Katsumi ran off, the thought of her belonging to him making him excited again. She was too belong to him, and he to her. And Hisoka could find no reason to be unhappy with that.

"Omg, I'm starving!"

Was the only thought that went through Katsumi's head... as she already forgot she was now a newly engaged woman.

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