No X Promise X Opinion

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It was true, Transmuters are fickle and dishonest. Hisoka was living proof of that. He had lied about his intentions for pursuing Katsumi, lied to Illumi about his proposal to Katsumi. Thank lawd Zoldyck's were not easily fooled.


"Yes, Aniki?"

"I take it you actually haven't taken Hisoka up on his offer to be your suitor." Illumi suspected.

Katsumi was annoyed.

"No 'offer' has been mentioned Aniki." Katsumi replied with crossed arms. "No contract, or proposal."

"Hmm?" Illumi questioned as he stared at Katsumi with those large eyes. "And what happens if he were to state a proposal? What would your answer be?"

Katsumi paused. How could anyone ask such a question so easily, as if it were nothing but a simple one.

"And what happens if I answer 'no'? Would you take control of the situation and change my answer?" Katsumi questioned.

"You asking such a question, leads me to believe you would answer positive." Illumi shot back.

"No, me asking that question is reassuring my future. That you won't turn around and change my answer without my consent." She argued back. "Aniki, I am the closest to you in age, I know all your tricks. I was taught the same ones."

Illumi stared at his younger and only sister. She was never a handful as a child, never disobedient, never a screw up. But she shouldn't have been born, especially to a family who only wanted sons. She was a child who fought hard to be called a 'Zoldyck', even though she is one. And perhaps this is why their parents adore their daughter so much, why they give her the things she wants. Because she fights back.

"I promise Katsumi, I will let you choose your suitor." Illumi answered, his words keeping to the promise he had just made.

"Even if it's not Hisoka?" Katsumi questioned, searching for reassurance.

"Even it's not Hisoka." Illumi promised once more.

Illumi had exited the room, leaving Hisoka and Katsumi alone once again. Katsumi wanted to leave, but Hisoka had reminded her that she had promise to stay the night. Illumi shot Hisoka a glare, but agreed with Hisoka after.

"So, what is her answer?" Kagome asked, standing far down the hall, waiting for Illumi.

"She will be the one to choose her suitor."

"And what do you think?"

Illumi looked at Kagome as she questioned him once more.

"She could have left at any time, for promises are simply words that people stake their lives on as if it will actually kill them if they break it." Illumi answered. "But she keeps staying, keeps going back to him."

"So..." Kagome egged him on, she wanted to know if he sees what she sees when Katsumi and Hisoka are together.

"She's going to pick him."

"I thought so."

Did Aniki just come here to lecture me?

Suitor [Hisoka X OC]Where stories live. Discover now