This X I X Vow

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"And who is it that you invited for our wedding?~" Hisoka asked again. He was sure he just didn't hear his wife to be, say she invited someone who wasn't Kagome.

"The nice elevator girl." Katsumi answered again. She found it amusing that she invited one of the most random people she could think of. The elevator operator was someone both her and Hisoka did encounter often, although not always at the same time.

Today was the day. As promised, after the 2 days had passed, Katsumi had reminded the elevator operator that she would like her to be present at the wedding. Heaven's Arena had even arranged an officiant to ordain the marriage. How fun.

The officiant was even someone who was fighting in Heavens Arena, and knew of Hisoka's past battles. They were slightly surprised to find that Hisoka was even getting married, and it was to the female that was seen usually in the front of the crowd at some major fights.

"Uhhh..." The officiant began. He wasn't use to this kind of set up. It definitely wasn't a traditional wedding, since Katsumi and Hisoka were already at the alter. Hisoka was in a traditional tux, and his signature outfit and makeup were abandoned for today. He had even let his hair down, free of product. Katsumi on the other hand... she was far from traditional. With Hisoka being difficult and not letting her pick a dress without him seeing, Katsumi said 'fcuk it'. So here she was in a basic dress, as basic as one would imagine it to be... at least it was white Lol.

"Hurry up, and let's this over with." Katsumi demanded. She felt the ceremony to be pointless. All she wanted to do was sign the papers that changed her last name, that said she was married to Hisoka. But no, Hisoka wanted a ceremony, so they agreed on a small and quick one.

"You want my last name that badly, Katsumi- chan~?" Hisoka teased, causing Katsumi to cross her arms and pout.

"Don't be ridiculous." Katsumi answered back. "I would have gotten it eventually." She finished with a mumble.

And the ceremony started. It was a little weird since the elevator girl had taken notice that she was one of the only people attending. And what looked like a tripod with someone being facetimed on the other end of it. Which Hisoka found entertaining, he knew Katsumi would find a way for Kagome to witness their wedding. And Illumi.

But poor Katsumi was at a loss. The officiant was asking questions that she had to answer her name too, how she would promise to be with Hisoka through sickness and death... as if anything could kill Hisoka anyways.

But then, Katsumi was caught off guard with a request that she didn't prepare for. Mostly cause she didn't know.

"Would the bride and groom like to state their vows." The officiant asked.

My what!?

"Oh gawd." Kagome sighed from the phone, causing Katsumi to shoot glare at the phone screen. Kagome knew the instant the officiant ask for their vows, that Katsumi was not ready.

"Uhh, I'll let my future husband go first." Katsumi stated with a smile, keeping her nerves in order.

"Very well, Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka smirked. He knew she wasn't ready.

Which was why Hisoka's vows were very heartfelt and SHORT. This gave no help to Katsumi since it didn't buy her any time, or give her any idea on what to say.

"We may now hear from the bride." The officiant continued.

Oh fcuk...

Silence followed for a brief moment, everyone waiting for Katsumi's vows.

"Excuse me dear, your vows..." The officiant repeated again, this time softly and in a whisper to Katsumi.

"Give me a moment." Katsumi answered back. What the fcuk was she supposed to say? She didn't even want a ceremony, that was Hisoka that did. She felt like this kind of thing was pointless. So why did she go through with it? Why did she agree to something stupid, something that brought her no benefit? Why did she put up with Hisoka?

"Excus-" The officiant tried to whisper again, before Katsumi cut him off.

"Hisoka, I..." Katsumi started. She was unsure if these were the right words to explain her feelings, to explain her vows. To explain why she decided to go with every stupid antic Hisoka tried with her. But at the same time, she was so sure on these next few words.

"I love you."

I would go through with you, with all your stupid antics and stunts. This, I vow to you.

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