Jealous X Aggressive X Relive

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Aiai, the City of Love, was pretty much what the title suggested. Aiai was a city of cliched situations that could lead to love... depending on what the user does. It was pretty much a live  romantic simulation game. No wonder Hisoka wanted to come here.

"What the fcuk is this?" Katsumi questioned annoyed. She didn't play these kind of games when she was younger... actually she didn't play games in general. But what the fcuk was this?

"This looks fun~" Hisoka commented, ignoring Katsumi as a smaller and cute female approached Hisoka, calling him 'Onii- san'.

Katsumi growled in response. She always got like this whenever Hisoka gave his full attention to another female, she swear she isn't jealous though.

That's a lie though.

"Ah~ I have a better idea~" Hisoka suggested, returning his attention to Katsumi. Who was already ignoring him.

"Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka called out to the female who was now walking away, causing him to follow.

"Katsumi- chan~" He called out again.

"Katsumi-chan~" He called again.

"Katsumi~" And for the final time...

"What?!" Katsumi answered back annoyed.

Hisoka let our a small laugh at Katsumi aggressiveness. He loved teasing her.

"Why don't we find a place to stay~" Hisoka suggested.

"Here?" Katsumi asked slightly annoyed, she didn't want to stay in the city much longer.

"Yes~" Hisoka answered. "We can show the city what their name really means~ ♡"

And as quickly as the words had left Hisoka's mouth, Katsumi had quickly shot at him with a nen gun. Luckily for him, he was quick.

"You insisted we explore the game first. So, let's do that." Katsumi reminded him.

"But Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka pouted out. "Don't you want to explore the city?"



"No." -___-

So Hisoka continued to pout at Katsumi. But as much as she 'wasn't' the jealous type, she also 'loves' when Hisoka pouts for not getting his way.

This is also a lie.

Katsumi sighed in annoyance.

"Come Hisoka, let's go explore pass the city." Katsumi tried to persuade, grabbing a hold onto Hisoka's hands as she did. He simply ignored her.

"Don't you want to relive the Hunter Exam?" Katsumi suddenly questioned, causing Hisoka to raise an eyebrow at her. What was she talking about?

"Where you had me under you while we were in the forest..." Katsumi reminded him, this had caught Hisoka's interest highly, and he gladly let Katsumi lead him out of the city.

Who the hell was that girl calling him 'Onii-san'?! Who the hell is imagining of making love to someone they refer to as their 'brother'?!

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