Asked X Visit X Rock

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As Katsumi had predicted, Hisoka wanted to go and fight Chrollo. Like he had been wanting. So she followed along, curious onto how the fight itself would go.

"Why do you want to fight Chrollo?" Katsumi blurted out, although she was sure his answer wouldn't be something complicated.

"Hmm?~" Hisoka hummed back, he was in a good mood. 

"You joined the Phantom Troupe, so why do you want to fight Chrollo? Wouldn't he technically be your 'boss'?" Katsumi mocked the title. 

"I joined so I could fight Chrollo. I like fighting powerful opponents~" 

"Ahh ..." Katsumi answered back as if Hisoka's answer had been an epiphany. His answer was obvious, why did she even ask? 

"So... how come you don't want to fight me? Like an actual fight?" Katsumi suddenly asked. 

Once again, Katsumi was asking questions that was catching Hisoka off guard. 

"That's cause you're my wife~" Hisoka dodged. 

"When we first met!" -___- 

Hisoka laughed at Katsumi's frustration, only because he wasn't sure. Although he had multiple little fights with her, he only really did it to see her ability. But in no way did either of them go full out, that he was sure of. 

But why didn't he ever fight Katsumi? He already knew Katsumi was strong, and even with her nen ability, he knew it would be fun if they did actually go all out in a fight. Perhaps he never did because he had a clear attraction to her from the very beginning. 

"Because Kagome introduced me to you as a potential suitor~" Hisoka answered. 

"... that's why you never wanted to fight me?" 

"Of course~ My goal was to be your husband Katsumi-chan." Hisoka teased. 

"Just say you don't want to fight me! Sheesh." Katsumi finished with a grumble. 

Hisoka of course, was not joking in the slightest. In the beginning, he simply wanted to scout out if Katsumi was even strong as Illumi and Kagome had said. But then, he started craving her attention mentally and physically, to the point he thought it would suffice if he received it from someone else. It wasn't the same. He solely wanted Katsumi, something deep within him was saying this, a voice he simply ignored. But that all changed when he had noticed the interest Chrollo also had for Katsumi, that was something he wouldn't allow. And knowing Chrollo, he would do anything to keep her as well. Too bad, Katsumi chose him over Chrollo. 

"Hisoka!" Katsumi called for the millionth time. That's a lie, she called him twice, but was ignored the first time and she didn't like that. "We're here." 

"Hmm~" Hisoka hummed back was he looked up at the broken building. So they were. 

And they definitely weren't greeted in a manner Katsumi had thought... on top of that, Chrollo wasn't even there! 

What a waste of time. 

"Katsumi." A familiar voice called out, if he dares ask her about Kagome... "Where's Kagome?"


"I don't think I owe you an answer, she did end things with you after all." Katsumi answered back. After the argument Phinks and Kagome had involving her, she wasn't very happy. 

"Just answer the question Katsumi! She won't answer when I call her!" Phinks yelled annoyed. 

"Yeah... cause she don't have to answer you." Katsumi blurted out, walking away towards the exit as she did. 

But then suddenly, a strong force flew by her, she slightly felt it coming, and moved just a bit to dodge it. She stared as the force crashed into the wall, and then gritted her teeth in anger. 

This mother fcu*er just threw a boulder at me?!

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