Explanation X Crave X Strong

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"So, what?"

Kagome had been hinting at a question for awhile now, but Katsumi was to damn confused and oblivious to understand what was being asked.

"Why didn't you pick Chrollo as a suitor?" Kagome questioned, casually asking as the ice in her drink made a 'clink' sound to signal it was starting to melt.

"Why would I pick him?" Katsumi's shot back, casually sipping her own drink.

"You liked him before."

"I was a child."

"You were old enough to understand what you like."

"By the time I was able to walk, I was trained in our family tradition." Katsumi shot back again. "I don't think age is a good comeback to my statements."

Kagome simply gave a bored expression, as she then chugged down her own drink.

It had been a very long night of avoiding the troupe, due to certain connections, and to then later be told that certain members of the group were dead. Including Chrollo. Neither assassin believed it, and Silva and Zeno had confirmed their suspicions.

"Or you could simply answer the question." Kagome said as she slammed her glass slightly on the table.

"I didn't pick him cause he's not the one." Katsumi answered finally, as she finished the last of her drink.

"Hmm?" Kagome was slightly confused now as she waved at the bartender for another round.

Katsumi let out a hard sigh before continuing.

"Of course I liked Chrollo when I was younger, I crave the strong. But Chrollo never saw me in that sense, I was a child." Katsumi explained. "And now that I'm older, I can now see the way he looks at me. I always get away with things when it comes to Chrollo."

"How is this all a bad thing?" Kagome questioned. "Chrollo is strong, yet he's weak on the knees when it comes to you."

Katsumi stared boredom her drink that had just been placed in front of her. Her brows then knitted together as if trying to think hard of something.

"Katsumi?" Kagome questioned.

"I don't want a husband who would be weak at the sight of me." Katsumi answered. "I only want the strong, one who will surely kill me if I ever become someone's target, and he, their weapon."

Kagome could let out a small laugh.

"You really have the Zoldyck blood line in you." Kagome commented as she shaked her head slightly. "I don't think Chrollo suits you anyways, too quiet."

"And who exactly would suit me?" Katsumi raised an eyebrow.

"Hisoka, who else?"

She makes it sound like this is a fact!

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